Can I print mutual fund lot details?

Jan Pendleton
Member ✭✭
I'm splitting up a jointly-owned mutual fund account into two individual accounts, and need to tell the fund co which lots go where. I have about 100 lots, and would like to send in a spreadsheet/printout. The easiest place to get this info is under Holdings, where there's a list of all the lots, but I don't see a way to print. Reports aren't helpful because most of the shares were acquired in 1995-2010, and the original fund merged with another in 2015. Now a security report shows the 2015 merger date for virtually all the shares. Is there a more elegant solution than screen printing and cropping the Holdings info?
Best Answer
Go over to Portfolio tab and create a custom Portfolio page. (Next to "Show" click the menu drop-down arrow and pick an unused "Custom" line.) Click the Options down arrow and select "Customize current view..." and then click the Accounts tab and select only the one Account you're interested in seeing.Go back to Portfolio view and further customize that view until it shows only the columns you want to see. Click the "+" sign next to the securities for a full showing of lots.Hit {Ctrl}-p, Select "Export to" "tab-deliminated (Excel compatible) disk file" and you should end up with a file on your hard drive you can import into Excel.3
Go over to Portfolio tab and create a custom Portfolio page. (Next to "Show" click the menu drop-down arrow and pick an unused "Custom" line.) Click the Options down arrow and select "Customize current view..." and then click the Accounts tab and select only the one Account you're interested in seeing.Go back to Portfolio view and further customize that view until it shows only the columns you want to see. Click the "+" sign next to the securities for a full showing of lots.Hit {Ctrl}-p, Select "Export to" "tab-deliminated (Excel compatible) disk file" and you should end up with a file on your hard drive you can import into Excel.3
Have you looked at the Investment Transactions report? You can customize it to show only the investment account and security you want and you can select which types of transactions you want to show, such as Buy, ReinvDiv, ReinvInc, etc. This report can then be printed out or it can be exported to Excel where additional filtering or sorting can be done.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Tom Young--Thank you--that's exactly what I need!0
Boatnmaniac--Reports don't help bc all the lots show up with an acquisition date of the 2015 merger. I need to get at the embedded original acquisition date, which can be found on a Portfolio page. Thanks, though!0
Jan Pendleton said:Boatnmaniac--Reports don't help bc all the lots show up with an acquisition date of the 2015 merger. I need to get at the embedded original acquisition date, which can be found on a Portfolio page. Thanks, though!I'm glad that you found @Tom Young 's solution provides you with the data you want and need.As with many things in Quicken, often there are multiple ways to arrive at a solution. I just pulled up the Investment Transactions report and customized it to show the entire date history for several different securities I have that have been involved in mergers, acquisitions and corporate spinoffs. The report then showed all of the original individual lot transactions from both before and after the merger/acquisition dates. I then customized the report further to show only the Buy, ReinvDiv and ReinvInc transactions. The important things are to make sure "All Dates" is selected, select the Account in question, make sure the box is checked to show hidden securities and then select the all the affected securities both before and after the date in question. If you find the time and have an interest you might want to play around with this report sometime. I'm pretty sure with the correct customization you will get the exact information you are looking for.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home