Can't renew my subscription

My subscription was due to auto renew yesterday. Apparently it didn't. So I tried to renew it manually. I checked "Paypal" verified my creds to Paypal, clicked Submit, and nothing happens. Tried to renew by entering my credit card number. Got a message that they can't process my payment. Is something broken in Quicken land?


  • Marvin Gardens
    Marvin Gardens Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭✭
    Never mind., Looks like a problem with my credit card. Used a different one to renew.
  • Daniel BP
    Daniel BP Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same problem here, click on "submit order" and nothing happens...even with a different credit card. Not a US resident and using a credit card issued out of the US, wondering if that is the problem? Paypal also not working, tried several times and no luck...I've used different browsers and also tried directly on the Quicken platform.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you're having issues subscribing or renewing your subscription, please call Quicken Support on the phone and request help.  They can help you with that problem.
    Recently, there have been reported issues with making PayPal payments. Apparently, this problem hasn't been resolved yet ... :-(

    Quicken Support:

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