Asset Allocation Report, how do I change the order of the asset classes on the report

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
How do I change the order of the asset classes on the report? I want it to start with Cash, then bonds, then the various investment class sizes (small cap, mid cap, large cap, international, then other various assets. Currently cash is near the bottom of the order, and mid-cap stocks is last??
Hi @rdk"
Unfortunately, Quicken has established that particular order for asset classes and it doesn't offer an easy way to change it. This also applies to a number of other reports. However, I've found that the easiest way to put the data into a format that you prefer is to export the report to Excel and then edit it in that app. You'll have a lot more flexibility in terms of what you can do, and I believe it is easier to work with the data.
The main downside is that you will have to do this for each new report you produce.
You may want to draft a "product idea post" recommending the changes you mention be made in a future version of Quicken - see this LINK for more information on that.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Unfortunately the order of the asset classes is fixed in the report.
You can export the report to Excel and manipulate the data there if you want.QWin Premier subscription1 -
Thanks. It is a shame the detail information can be updated daily, but the report format is not professional. It needs to be in a logical order with subtotals for asset classes.0
The Reports > Investing > Investment Asset Allocation report has subtotals for the asset classes. They are at the bottom of each section. If you want percentages, click on Show Graph and they are to the right of the graph. In that section the classes are in order from largest to smallest.
Or were you looking for something different?QWin Premier subscription0 -
Thanks. Not necessarily. The report you would print is not in order of largest to smallest. Additionally, any new asset class you create, i.e. mid-cap, is last. I would like to change the order, and have ability to subtotal cash&bonds vs. equities, etc.0
This is the order presented in my report: Domestic Bonds=28.5%, Large Cap = 39.4%, Small Cap = 4.6%, International Stocks = 6.0%, Cash = 1.4%, Mineral Interests = .8%, RE Investments = 2.7%, Mid Cap = 16.5%. As one can see, it is not in order of size, nor is it in any logical order.0
The order of the asset classes is the same as the order of the asset class selection list when you are assigning asset classes in the Security Detail view. That explains why the user-defined classes are at the end.
Unfortunately there is no way to change this, other than exporting the report to Excel and reordering it there. Again, you might want to create an Idea post for this, I would vote for it!QWin Premier subscription0 -
Thanks. I have created a more sophisticated Excel spreadsheet I use periodically for Allocation, but I would like to have a quick snapshot report I can peek at more often with just a push of a button. With (wonderful) equity valuation increases, allocations can quickly get our of wack. I doubt I am willing to take the effort to approach Quicken with changes. There are too many other glitches I wish they would address. i.e. trying to change an account to a single mutual fund once you have the account set up on Q for years; forcing you to put in the Security when posting a transaction to a single mutual fund (even when posting three months of dividends); how cumbersome it is to add a new account: the way Placeholders are automatically created and the difficulty in removing them; etc. I have use Q for over 25 years, so I'm sure I created a lot of problems for myself by entering initial accounts before understanding how Q treats investments.0
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