Unable to download transactions from LoanCare Mortgage

The primary issue that began occurring with the early November update continues to exist with today’s update:
“LoanCare Servicing Center requires that you enter more information to connect.” I enter the code but keep being asked for it. The codes being sent, from LoanCare, I guess, are not being accepted by Quicken. A box comes up asking how I want to receive the code. By text to my phone is the only option. A new box opens up and when I received the code I am asked, again, how I want to receive the code but there is no option. I enter the code underneath in the box provided but when I click Enter, it says Missing Answer required. I entered “text”, and on another try I entered my cell phone number, but neither worked. I can get no further, so there is no error code to provide to you. (Error Code CC-501 on Nov 14 saying "...error on the Quicken server.") It returns to original window “LoanCare Servicing Center requires that you enter…”, so there is no way at that point to Report a Problem. This is the only account I cannot download the transactions.
I've called LoanCare and they said it's a Quicken question. I called Quicken a couple of times after the mid-Nov update but received no help, I completed "Report a Problem" twice after the mid-Nov update on the screen that provided the Error Code, and now I'm on Hold waiting for a Quicker rep to discuss today's update that did not resolve any of the issues. I see online that Schwabb folks have been having problems - are they anything similar to mine, or has anyone else had issues since the November updates? Thanks!
No, the Schwab issue is something else. Schwab changed their Quicken download protocol and it messed up a lot of things for a lot of people.If you have not already done so, read the Alert that was originally posted on 11/16 and updated on 11/23: https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7901696/new-11-23-21-loancare-servicing-center-returns-cc-501-101-error.If this appears to be the problem you are experiencing you might want to bookmark it so you will be kept informed when updates are posted.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Thanks, Boatnmaniac. Your comment was very helpful. I was not aware of the info you provided. I have bookmarked the page.
Yesterday, when I opened Quicken there was another update that sounded like it may resolve the issue, but it didn't change anything. I spent 2 hrs with Quicken Support on Friday, Nov. 26, after writing my original question. All kinds of troubleshooting was done but we finally had to stop. The representative said we had to let the program rest for 24 hrs since we had tried to do so much. 24 hrs had just passed when I d/l'ed the new update. The error code changed from 509 from when we ended troubleshooting on Nov. 26, to 501 after the newest update. So, it's still a Quicken server issue. Luckily, it's not as critical that the LoanCare transactions aren't being d/l'ed. It would be a completely different story if it were my bank or credit card transactions.
I have put hours into trying to get the program to work correctly. I think Quicken should give its customers who have had to deal with these issues for almost a month some kind of discount for when we have to renew our subscription. At least a 20% discount, and I advocate for 2 years for the price of 1 year!0 -
Just my 2cents' worth ... I would not bother attempting to activate any loan or mortgage account for downloading. (Not discussing LOC or HELOC accounts here which should be treated like credit card accounts)
At least in Quicken for Windows, an online-connected loan or mortgage account does NOT have a transaction register. All data shown in the account come from whatever information the bank downloads to you ... if this process works at all.
As a result of being connected, the scheduled payment transaction reminder cannot transfer the amount of principal paid into the (non existent) account register and must use a category, usually something like Loan:Principal, instead. The category seems to vary with the Loan Type you selected when creating the loan account in Quicken.
Effective with Quicken Windows 2018+
you can deactivate an online-connected loan account and regain full control over your transaction register. However, you should still review the Scheduled Reminder (or Memorized Payee List entry) associated with the monthly loan payments to ensure they now transfer Principal to the loan account register and not to a Category.If you're a Q Mac user, you should be able to do something similar about setting up and maintaining an offline mortgage account together with a correctly calculated Scheduled Transaction Reminder for the monthly payments.
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Good points @UKR . I agree with you that it is better to keep loans as manual accounts but it is a personal choice. Some of what I like about loans being manual accounts instead of connected accounts:
- You get an account register where transactions are not only visible but they can be edited.
- You get an amortization schedule.
- You can see how much of your payment was applied to principal, interest, etc.
- You get a nice automatically generated recurring Loan Reminder.
- Your payments made from your checking account get linked to your loan account.
But there are some people who really aren't interested in tracking that level of detail and for them setting up the loan as a connected account might be a better option. It's kind of like how some people find Simple Investing to be preferable to Complete Investing.Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Thanks to all for your comments and attempts to help. Quicken Support actually made the problem worse several weeks ago when I called. The agent took me through several troubleshooting steps, none of which worked. He had me Deactivate the account and add it back. However, I could not add it back so I have no access to it at all and now can't even manually add transactions. I have tried numerous times, including several today. I go through the "Add Account" steps but get caught in a loop where it asks how I want to receive the security code to connect to LoanCare Servicing Center. I click on the text window, receive the Security Code, but when I get window to enter the code, it also has the same window asking how to receive the security code again, so I get nowhere. Error Code CC- 501, ". . .we are unable to connect to the Quicken servers at this time." is consistent, so it is not a LoanCare Servicing Center issue.
Another problem that began with the early November update is the Accounts Update window. It now shows Hidden accounts. I uncheck them --> Apply --> Update Now but this does not work. These Hidden accounts are still there the next time I go to Update. It's frustrating to have to keep unchecking them each time I update.
VERY frustrated and disappointed with Quicken. Both of these issues started with the early November update. I have installed all updates, including today. I have an HP Envy laptop running Windows 10. Quicken Deluxe. I never had this kind of trouble when I didn't have to pay an annual subscription. If the trouble was with my checking or credit card accounts, I would really be in a bind. If these issues don't get resolved soon, I may have to consider finding another financial program.0 -
@djsomers - Instead of trying to fix your main file, do you have a recent backup file from before Quicken Support got involved that you could restore?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Thanks for the suggestion, Boatnmaniac. I called Quicken back yesterday and was able to get 2 of 3 issues resolved, but not the problem with LoanCare Service Center mortgage company. It's a Quicken server issue. When I spoke with Quicken yesterday, I told them they needed to add LoanCare to the list of institutions with the problem.
Boatnmaniac, I do have backups going back before the early November update, but I'm afraid to try it since now the only issue is with Quicken servers not downloading LoanCare transactions. If I were to restore the backup, wouldn't I lose everything after the date of that backup? That's a lot of transactions to lose, or to have to d/l again. At this point, I think I'd better leave well enough alone. I appreciate your input on issues.0 -
Given that 2/3 of the issues are now resolved and that the issue identified in the Alert is still active, I agree that you probably should not restore your backup file. Since 2 of the issues are no longer issues, restoring the backup file would be of no benefit whatsoever. Since the other issue is a known Alert issue and Quicken is working on it, that issue would still exist after restoring the backup file. So, no, it no longer makes any sense to restore the backup file.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home