Quicken now downloading Schwab transactions to wrong Schwab Account

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Been through the myriad of problems with the new Schwab/Quicken download procedures. Have been able to deactivate/reactivate all schwab accounts, had to delete hundreds of match/near match/new transactions that were duplicates and now when I do a download from Schwab, transactions from one account are incorrectly downloaded to a second Schwab account. This never happened before and I've disabled/reenabled the accounts and tried it from a backup, but get the same issue. The one interesting thing is that while the 2 accounts have different account #s, they both have the same final 3 digits. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
Hello @Laserjock
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with the community, although I apologize that you are experiencing this.
I'd like our teams to look into this further, would you please open Quicken and go to the Help menu > Report a Problem option.
In the window that opens, please enter "Atn: Sarah" in the subject line, provide 3-4 examples of the transactions (date, payee & amount) and which account they are supposed to be in, as well as the account they actually downloaded into. Select the box for each of the .txt files listed and when ready click on Send to Quicken.
Once sent, please just reply here to let me know so I can retrieve the report from the system.
Thank you again,
Sarah0 -
Is it downloading to the correct accounts? Mine got crossed up. I have two accounts (call them A and B), and it downloaded a year's worth of A's transactions to B. I tried disabling online access for B but it disabled A instead. So now I have A disabled and B is working but a little confused.0
This discussion was created from comments split from: Solution for Schwab update Problem?.0
Hello @qfad
Thank you for reporting this behavior, although I apologize that you are also experiencing this.
If you haven't already, please follow the steps provided aboveQuicken Sarah said:
I'd like our teams to look into this further, would you please open Quicken and go to the Help menu > Report a Problem option.
In the window that opens, please enter "Atn: Sarah" in the subject line, provide 3-4 examples of the transactions (date, payee & amount) and which account they are supposed to be in, as well as the account they actually downloaded into. Select the box for each of the .txt files listed and when ready click on Send to Quicken.
Once sent, please just reply here to let me know so I can retrieve the report from the system.
Thank you again,
Thank you again,
Sarah0 -
I am having the same problem with new transactions being posted to the wrong accounts.0
Don Piper said:I am having the same problem with new transactions being posted to the wrong accounts.
I'm sorry to hear that you are also experiencing this and appreciate your taking the time to post your comment.
Please follow the steps provided above to submit a Report a Problem so our teams can investigate this matter further.
Thank you again,
Sarah0 -
I took the time to manually clean up the incorrectly-posted transactions, so I don't have any examples to provide. It dumped a year of transactions in the wrong account, totally bypassing the usual "accept" mechanism. After doing the deauth/reauth dance it posted a couple of recent transactions wrongly, but at least that gave me the option to accept/reject. It also downloaded about 3 months to the correct account and gave me the opportunity to match them up to existing transactions, so it appears that it's actually funneling transactions from two separate accounts into one. Sometimes I get a message telling me that the holdings in the account are a total mismatch for what's online.
I've disabled automatic downloads for the account whose transactions are heading the wrong way. That seems to be holding it for now.0 -
I have uploaded the problem report you requested0
Don Piper said:I have uploaded the problem report you requested
Thank you so much! I have received the submission and opened a ticket with our team to investigate this further.
I'll be back to share updates and/or a resolution as they are received.
Thank you again,
(CTP-3040)0 -
I have also had the issues with deactivating/reactivating and having transactions route to the incorrect Schwab account. Once that happens there is nothing to be done but to either manually tick through each of the hundreds of transactions one at a time, or back out and restore from a prior backup. Awful mess taking many hours to fix. Afraid to reactivate Schwab at all now. At least I have my other accounts cleaned up.0
Same problem. Downloads old transactions to wrong account. This is far from fixed.0
I've had same problem of downloading to wrong account. Occurs with accounts with same last three digits in account number. Also had problems with other accounts getting corrupted, did not realize cause until I read above notes and discovered that quicken is autoaccepting bonus transactions in my Schwab account. (The account has around 100-200 transactions per month for 20 years so hard to check what has been done...I just see the results). So I keep going back to a saved copy and try again, and each time I get slightly different problems. No more though, I 'm going to just start manually updating Schwab account for now, end of year and tax finalization is too close. Unbelievable wasted time.0
I've had the same problem with 2 Schwab accounts that end in the same 3 numbers, call them A and B. I've only been able to link account A so far, and given the myriad problems with this whole process I'm holding off on trying the whole reauth again yet to get account B linked. However, it was transactions from the unlinked account B that posted to the linked account A, and I never received any actual correct transactions for the linked account A. I'm not able to send any screenshots or files because I've already deleted the wrong transactions and have manually entered the corrections. And this will be my SOP until I hear that it's fixed. Needless to say, this entire Schwab experience has drastically affected my confidence that Quicken is the product I've always trusted.0
Hi Sarah,
I started this discussion and before replying to you and following your recommended course of action (Report Problem... etc.), I had to wait until I had some new transactions in the two accounts where transactions were going into the incorrect accounts. This is because I had restored a backup taking me back several days, entered the incorrectly posted transactions manualy. I also deactivated, then re-linked the accounts as well as making sure the correct accounts were listed on Schwab.com. After everything I downloaded from Schwab today and the same problem is occurring. It appears that transactions from one of my Schwab retirement accounts (A) is downloading into another Schwab retirement account (B). Note as I previously stated these accounts have different numbers, BUT THE FINAL 3 DIGITS ARE THE SAME as mentioned in my first post and echoed by others. Also, they have different Schwab log-in credentials. Another telling issue is that the one account (A) shows no transactions downloaded, but Account B in addition to downloading Account A transactions, shows on the screen"... a message listing holdings in the account that are a total mismatch for what's online...." as was stated by qfad above. I checked the mismatches and it appears that Account B is trying to include all the holdings of both A and B accounts which caused the report stating that there is a mismatch and it wants me to add placeholders (which I shouldn't do since these securities are not in Account B.
Another issue I have found also is that one of your techs (I've been online with them several times - always with no success or another problem surfaces) told me to sign out of Quicken and log back in in order to clear the download and place-holder issues. Every time I have done this, more transactions (matched, near matched, new) have downloaded and the Quicken and Schwab accounts do not compare as the same. Your new [Schwab] download procedure is the worst issue I have had since I started with Quicken when it was first developed. I'm currently running Version R37.25. I don't know what to do now. I can't keep having to manually correct my Quicken/Schwab accounts after every update. We're all asking for you to help resolve the issue.0 -
Working with your help group last week about transactions going into wrong Schwab accounts in my Quicken program. I noticed, as also mentioned above, that the two accounts involved have the same last three digits in their account numbers. I have complained to Schwab in the past about this "last-three" convention on their website as not being a long enough nickname to differentiate accounts, but they have done nothing. Rest of the world seems to use the last four digits for short identifiers... maybe this is part of the problem?0
I'm having the same problem with 2 accounts but at least it didn't dump all the history. It's only been new transactions that have occurred in the last few days. The account that should be getting the transactions happens to be the only one I had the most trouble with. I had to install the Mondo patch and go through that process to finally get that particular account to be correct in Quicken. The transactions should be appearing in my Schwab One account, but they're showing up in my Intelligent Portfolio account.0
Sorry - I forgot to confirm that my 2 accounts also have the same last 3 digits.0
I am also having issues with two Schwab accounts sharing one set of downloads, apparently because they share the final 3 digits of their account numbers. Really frustrating. I have stopped downloading altogether as I do not want to make another big mess of my accounts and have to restore from a backup again.0
I have the same matching three digits issue with two of three Schwab accounts. Have been working with Quicken Sarah to help test new software revs. Three so far all with same negative result. Yesterday, I called a Quicken tech, Alexander, and helped him explain to one of their level 2 techs, Harry, I think, via message board, the matching digits issue with Schwab. I provided a log and screenshots of my failed activation/download attempts which Alex also forwarded to Harry. Quicken has enough feedback to fix this, if it is possible.... Which motivated my second call to Schwab tech support where I explained this situation to their online tech, John, I think, and with him looking at my three Schwab accounts, pointed out the matching three digits. He was surprised and I said I had complained to Schwab over the past two years about this too short convention for encrypted account ID display. I told him that I believed Schwab needed to be providing non-ambiguous account ID's to the Quicken program or discrimination and proper linking among various accounts would not be possible. I stated emphatically that Quicken is not alone in the cause of this linking problem, but that both companies are to blame for not adequately testing a new handshake before rolling it out to their unsuspecting clients. I told him that Schwab could/should not be just waiting around for Quicken to make their Schwab clients happy again... that this incredibly time-wasting disfunction between the two companies requires a solution with contributions from both firms. I could tell John was typing furiously as I spoke and he promised to run my observations up the Schwab chain of command. Maybe this account linking issue can be rectified in the very near future with two companies working on the problem. We'll see.... Quicken Sarah, are you getting this?0
It occurred to me that the quickest resolution to this problem would be for Schwab to issue me a new account number for one of my two matching-last-three accounts. I may see if my Schwab account manager can make this happen for me... can't think of any downsides just now... I'll get back if successful and if it makes a difference.0
One thought - If Schwab opens a new account for you with a new account number, they will then have to transfer all of your individual holdings to the new Schwab account. You will have to move those investments in Quicken from the old account to the new account in order to keep the cost basis for each holding. It will likely solve the issue your are trying to solve, but will result in your "history" being spread across 2 Schwab accounts (making research on past transactions a little more complicated). Also, if the "new account" has activity in December, you will get an additional 1099 for the new brokerage account. All very manageable, but does increase the complexity a bit...0
Thank you for the thoughts. For all the reasons you mention when I emailed my rep with the request, I asked for a digit change with no history loss. Don't know if they can do it or not. How about just showing the last 4 digits like the rest of the world?0
Tried the new revision last night after deactivating all three Schwab accounts and then going through the activation process. Once again, was not presented with the dialog window which allows linking of Schwab found accounts to existing Quicken accounts, and as one would expect, the two with matching last three numbers still do not both activate. The third says it downloaded a transaction but it is not visible. Very disappointed.0
@HJH Consult - I tried to download Schwab transactions this morning and had a similar experience in that no transactions actually downloaded, even though I know there was activity at Schwab and the "flag" in Quicken indicating activity was present. At this point, I am not relying on Quicken for anything related to Schwab and have migrated to entering all of the Schwab transactions manually and reconciling to the Schwab balances. No confidence in Quicken to deliver before year end, and the data has to be right to get my estimated taxes right....0
@pgavon - Yes, disappointing. I'm retired and have a non-mandatory IRA disbursement to get correct so that I'm in the 12% bracket and can take advantage of 0% tax on cap gains and dividends. This couldn't have happened at a worse time. Seems I'll also be playing with spreadsheets heading into the year end. Wouldn't it be thoughtful for Quicken to offer those of us in this Schwab mess a pass on the subscription fee for 2022? I've devoted a lot of man-hours helping provide Sarah Quicken with feedback on several revision builds over the past couple of weeks.0
@HJH Consult - I am retired as well and trying to manage the federal and state tax bills closely. On the free one-year subscription, I don't think that is ever going to happen. If Quicken management ever did that, Quicken Subscribers will point to that for every problem they encounter. In addition, I think Quicken is owned by a Private Equity firm and they will never give up the revenues. Lastly, we will never who is responsible for the Schwab related issues. My guess is that both companies could have done some things differently to avoid the problems. But at this point, I focused on looking forward and riding out the storm...0
> @pgavon said:
> @HJH Consult - "...I think Quicken is owned by a Private Equity firm and they will never give up the revenues."
Actually, If I was with that private equity firm (Aquiline) I'd be worried about losing a lot more revenue from the pending wave of non-renewals if they can't get this Schwab mess really fixed soon.
Despite the fact that a lot of paying subscribers are more or less working for Quicken via this site to try and get this fixed, I am starting to wonder whether they can actually do so. Plus so many different solutions have been floated over the last several weeks, I'd be surprised if there aren't more than a few poor souls (who haven't maintained regular backups) who have had years worth of transactions permanently corrupted by various "fixes" and updates.
One thing is for sure, I'm getting very tired of manually entering transactions in multiple Schwab accounts, but at this point I'm VERY reluctant to try any more of the proposed "fixes" given what I've been reading about them here. Trying to remain patient, but there are limits...0 -
My take on the Schwab role in this... from a previous post... my second call to Schwab tech support where I explained this situation to their online tech, John, I think, and with him looking at my three Schwab accounts, pointed out the matching three digits. He was surprised and I said I had complained to Schwab over the past two years about this too short convention for encrypted account ID display. I told him that I believed Schwab needed to be providing non-ambiguous account ID's to the Quicken program or discrimination and proper linking among various accounts would not be possible. I stated emphatically that Quicken is not alone in the cause of this linking problem, but that both companies are to blame for not adequately testing a new handshake before rolling it out to their unsuspecting clients. I told him that Schwab could/should not be just waiting around for Quicken to make their Schwab clients happy again... that this incredibly time-wasting disfunction between the two companies requires a solution with contributions from both firms. I could tell John was typing furiously as I spoke and he promised to run my observations up the Schwab chain of command. Maybe this account linking issue can be rectified in the very near future with two companies working on the problem. We'll see....0
Interestingly, my Schwab institutional account manager (who I contacted weeks ago when these problems first emerged) just called me to ask if the problems had been resolved. Want to guess what my answer was?0
My wife’s Roth and my Roth account numbers share the same last three digits. As others here have mentioned, all downloaded transactions go to one account, in my case, my wife’s Roth. How is this possible when we are under two separate Schwab logins?0
This discussion has been closed.