SWVXX (Value Advantage Money Market Fund) and SWGXX (Schwab Government Money Fund)

Quicken Anja
Moderator mod
With the new connection that Charles Schwab has provided, SWVXX (Value Advantage Money Market Fund) and SWGXX (Schwab Government Money Fund) are going to appear differently in Quicken. The new format now will map the shares to cash.
This change is by design
- These are technically cash funds so they will be represented under the cash amount not the actual security in the account
- These funds will show as dividends and not buys and sells as they did in the past.
- They are represented in the HTTP & SYNC LOG as total quantities.
- This is represented as cash.
This new format will reflect after deactivating and reactivating Charles Schwab accounts.
Thank you!
(Ticket #9198788)
-Quicken Anja
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