Delta Community Credit Union will not down load [error OL 295]

CinchMF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
Quicken Deluxe for Windows running on Windows 11 R42.8.. I am10 days without being able to down load. 4 hours total time on the phone with the credit union talking to the same person and still unable to resolve this problem. Using either Direct connect, or Express connect I get a dialog box stating "Quicken is unable to connect to your financial institution". I have deactivated all accounts, opened a new account under the same name and tried to add an account. I have had DCCU update my direct connect password. Uninstalled and reinstalled Quicken. I have uninstalled all my security apps. (Bitdefender). Nothing has worked. This problem started on July 3rd. All my other financial institution accounts download normally. After 43 years as a member of this credit union I am ready to close my accounts and move on. Any help would be appreciated. Code is OL-295-A


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    edited July 2022
    Hello @CinchMF,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    If you haven't already, please take a moment to review the error-specific troubleshooting steps found in this support article regarding error OL-295.

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Anja
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  • CinchMF
    CinchMF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I have done all those steps repeatedly with no help
  • CinchMF
    CinchMF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    In addition the steps you provide give instructions for Window's 10, not that it is that important, but it does show that it has been a while since the instructions were updated. The tech. from DCCU had me do these steps over and over and over, for hours. No help.
  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    I have done all those steps repeatedly with no help
    Hello @Michael Finder

    I am sorry that these issues are continuing even after attempting the recommendations in the article provided by @Quicken Anja. Thanks for following up with us about this. 

    If you have made use of all of the troubleshooting steps and the issue remains unresolved, the next step would be to reach out to Delta Community Credit Union for support. It often helps to request to speak with a 'Tier 2' representative or escalations team when doing so, as these individuals are more likely to be familiar with third-party software such as Quicken.

    I hope that is helpful.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
  • CinchMF
    CinchMF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Well as you might expect, after hours on the phone with DCCU they suggested I contact Quicken, as they felt the problem was clearly with Quicken.
  • CinchMF
    CinchMF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Still have not been able to connect to Delta Community Credit Union. I talked to Quicken support and they tell me that DCCU is having trouble and that they, Quicken, are working with them to resolve the problem. However, DCCU tells me they are not having problems and that my problem is with Quicken. I don't see any post suggesting that others are having problems. So my question now is, are there any DCCU customers in the community that are having trouble connecting. This has been going on for nearly three weeks in my case.
  • mrc88dal
    mrc88dal Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I'm having the same problem with DCCU as CinchMF is. The transactions fail to download to Quicken and quicken keeps asking me for a password. I can login normally to DCCU via their website so all of my information is correct in Quicken. Quicken also tells me that the "maximum invalid sign count exceeded" This problem with Quicken just started recently. I'm using the Mac version.
  • CinchMF
    CinchMF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Glad to know someone else is having an issue. I still have not resolved this. Delta Community says it is Quicken and Quicken says it is DCCU. I am currently exporting from DCCU's web site. Going to close out my accounts if things don't get sorted soon.
    Thanks for posting
  • CinchMF
    CinchMF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Still unable to connect and unable to get any help. DCCU just runs me around, and Quicken blames DCCU.
    Anyone have a suggestion. I downloaded Quicken onto another computer and still unable to add a Delta Community Credit Union account. Sure could use some help.
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