Income & Expense by Category report + collapse of subcategories

BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
edited August 2022 in Reports (Windows)
I would like to create a single custom report to:
  • mimic the Spending > Income & Expense by Category report - with monthly interval and separate Income and Expense sections, and also
  • have the ability to expand and collapse the subcategories (similar to Spending > Spending by Category report)
I can enable subcategories from the Advanced tab of the Income & Expense by Category report, but there is no capability to expand and collapse those subcategories in the resulting report.  Any ideas if/how could this be done?  TIA
- QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
- I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr


Best Answer

  • BK
    BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I am concluding that the collapse/expand functionality of subcategories is not implemented for reports that present interval comparison data in a side-by-side column format.  If no one has any other thoughts on this, I will close this topic.  Thank you.
    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr


  • @bk - if you do a Banking Transaction Report subtotaled and sorted by Category, with all columns hidden except Date and Amount, I think it gets you pretty close to what you are looking for.
  • BK
    BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Hey @Damian and thanks. Close but that only gives me one month at a time.  I'd like to be able to see and compare all months in multiple columns side-by-side.  It appears that when a report contains side-by-side comparison data with intervals (year, month, etc.), the expand and collapse functionality of subcategories is non-existent.  There must be some technical challenge.
    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

  • @BK - I think you are right.  The combination of reporting features doesn't seem to be compatible (at least for now).  If you happen to figure out how to create the report, please report back.  I am stumped. 
  • BK
    BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I am concluding that the collapse/expand functionality of subcategories is not implemented for reports that present interval comparison data in a side-by-side column format.  If no one has any other thoughts on this, I will close this topic.  Thank you.
    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    The closest I've found to what you want to see is the Spending by Category report (which you already have identified).  But the default for that report is to show only expenses, not income.  If you customize it to show income, as well, it will not differentiate income from expenses....other than to show expenses as positive numbers and incomes as negative numbers.
    Actually, I think others would find this kind of report to be of value.  Maybe you would want to suggest it as a product improvement idea?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home

  • BK
    BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    My speculation is that Quicken did already consider it and determined that it was technically very challenging.  Given the history of creating an enhancement and breaking other things, my preference is for Quicken to halt new ideas and instead focus on fixes and stability.
    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

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