Chase Update - Re-authorize accounts for Express Web Connect "+"

Chickey Member ✭✭
I received a notification today that Quicken wanted to update the means in which it downloads from my Chase credit card. It prompted me to login to my Chase account via the web and reauthorize access and sharing. All good. When I returned to Quicken, it insisted on trying to add the account as new, instead of link to existing. I eventually deactivated online account access in the hope that reactivating online access would fix the problem. Now when I attempt to reactivate online access, the screen goes gray (almost like a pop-up window should appear) and Quicken is unresponsive. Any suggestions? Thanks! Colin

Best Answer


  • Young216
    Young216 Member ✭✭
    I had the same problem this morning. After reauthorizing with Chase and returning to Quicken, Quicken wanted to connect to an existing account list that only included previously closed Chase accounts. I also tried reactivating and got the same gray screen. Had to end Quicken in task master to exit. Tried rebooting, validating and supervalidating files. No errors found. Same gray screen when trying again to reactivate online access. Help!
  • Chickey
    Chickey Member ✭✭
    > @Young216 said:
    > Resolved. Clicked on + to add accounts. Selected Chase. Directed by Chase to reauthorize again. Returned to Quicken, and this time I could link to existing Chase accounts and the online reactivation worked.

    Worked like a charm!! Thank you!!!
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Tnx for sharing … if you look at these newly linked Chase accounts - what does it show at the top of the Register for connection type ? 
    Direct Connect or
    Express Web or
    Express Web “+” 
  • Chickey
    Chickey Member ✭✭
    Express Web Connect+
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Chickey said: Express Web Connect+
    tnx - what version ..... Help --> About Quicken
    Didn't think the migration to EWC+ was happening until the end of September ?
    but - "in early August" the transition to EWC+ will begin....

  • Chickey
    Chickey Member ✭✭
    I'm on R 42.21, Build
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Ps56k2 said:
    Didn't think the migration to EWC+ was happening until the end of September ?
    End of September is the target date for it being finished.  Which I expect means that at that time Direct Connect will no longer be available.
    This is my website:
  • jahjimhall
    jahjimhall Member ✭✭
    > @Young216 said:
    > I had the same problem this morning. After reauthorizing with Chase and returning to Quicken, Quicken wanted to connect to an existing account list that only included previously closed Chase accounts. I also tried reactivating and got the same gray screen. Had to end Quicken in task master to exit. Tried rebooting, validating and supervalidating files. No errors found. Same gray screen when trying again to reactivate online access. Help!

    I had the same problem as @young216 when I tried to reauthorize and went through the process. I tried to connect to an existing account rather than create a new account, but was presented with a link list that only included previously closed Chase accounts. SO, instead I FIRST went to Account list > edit > Online services > Reset account. Then I was presented with the process of signing into Chase and authorizing account access. When that was done, it said I would be redirected to Quicken. That was not automatic, I had to click on the Quicken icon in my task bar. Then when I was offered to link to an existing account, ALL my Chase accounts were available for linking (not just the closed ones). I selected the account I was trying to reauthorize, and it worked!
  • Jim Traxler
    Jim Traxler Member ✭✭
    > Resolved. Clicked on + to add accounts. Selected Chase. Directed by Chase to reauthorize again. Returned to Quicken, and this time I could link to existing Chase accounts and the online reactivation worked.

    Worked like a charm!! Thank you!!!
    Worked for me, too. Thank you. Question: Why doesn't Chase/Quicken publish this? There are no instructions, just vague indications that the accounts have to be reauthorized. I would never thought to click on + to add accounts.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    I get all the way through to the end in the browser and then a blank page. Quicken says authorization failed. Every time.

    Started another topic on my failure as it seems not to be what most are seeing.
  • BrittMayo
    BrittMayo Member ✭✭
    Same exact problem. Young216 solution worked like a charm. Thank you so much for taking the time to post and share this.
  • agrabham
    agrabham Member
    I clicked on the + and went through the authorization screen but when I was returned to Quicken, I was not allowed to link my existing accounts. The only choices for the link were incorrect accounts. I clicked on finish, hoping that it would see the matching accounts, but it created new accounts. Now what?!
  • Michael Winnick
    When I try to sign in to Chase when Quicken asks me to I get a Chase window and I sign in. But then after flashing something for a second the window goes all blue and just sits there while Quickens Add Account window shows a circling circle that never stops and nothing happens. My PC just sits there forever with a blank blue Chase window and a "Sign into Chase Bank" "Add Account" window overlaying Quicken. I have to cancel everything to just go back to Quicken doing it's normal downloads which I guess it will stop doing on September 26th. Anyone have any idea what's going wrong?
  • Michael Winnick
    I tried cutting and pasting the URL on the blank Chase window into Edge at least 5 times and though I was able to check off the boxes to share, etc., I never was able to get any confirmations. So I stopped and thought to try again tomorrow. But just now, maybe some minutes later as I was not looking at my mailbox I got 5 messages from Chase saying thi:

    You've agreed to share data with Quicken
    Quicken will access your account information securely, so you don't need to share your username and password.
    To modify or remove access:
    1. Log in to the Chase Mobile® app or
    2. Go to "Security & privacy" on, or "Profile" then "Settings" on the Chase Mobile® app
    3. Visit the "Security Center" page
    4. Go to the Linked Apps and Websites page
    If you have questions or didn't make this change, please call us. You can find the number under the Help & Support section of
    You can review Quicken's Terms of Use & Privacy Policy to understand how they plan to use or share your data.

    So, I still don't know if it will work come 9/26 but I'm going to tell Quicken to stop showing their warning message about needing to reauthorize and just wait until the 26th to see if everything works.

    It's odd because while the Add Account window showed my my Wife's Chase accounts (credit card and joint checking) it never showed me my accounts. So it'll be interesting to see if those somehow will work anyway.
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