Server issues with Key Bank

kramerent Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
I have spent hours on the phone with Key bank and also with Intuit in regards to complete loss of connection to direct download transactions. Up until thursday 8/11/22 everything was working fine. After that, a vague error described as "Unable to connect to your bank. It's not your fault" appears all the time. I have tried ALL troubleshooting suggestions, called multiple times both entities (Key Bank and Intuit Support) and Intuit has an open ticket on this #9652600 and so far nothing has been resolved. What's going on?


  • kramerent
    kramerent Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    Can anyone help with this please? It has been over a week and the problem still persists.
  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod
    Hello @kramerent

    Thank you for contacting the Quicken Community to share that you are experiencing this issue with your Key Bank account(s). 

    We are currently reviewing the phone support interaction, in the meantime would you mind creating a test file and adding the Key Bank accounts to see what occurs? It is recommended to save a backup before proceeding with troubleshooting steps in the event that you would like to return to your original starting position. Below are instructions on how to create a test file:
    1. Choose File menu > New Quicken File.

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows

    1. Select New Quicken File.

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows

    1. Click OK.
    2. In the File name field, enter the name of the new file, then click Save. Use a name like "Test File" to tell it apart from your main file. 

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows
    Don't use any of these characters: * ? < > | " : \ / (asterisk, question mark, left and right-angle bracket, pipe, straight quotation marks, colon, BACKSLASH, FORWARD SLASH). Also, don't add the .qdf extension; Quicken does that for you.

    1. Sign in with your Quicken ID. If you are prompted to create a Quicken ID but already have one, click Sign In under the Create Account prompt. 

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows

    1. Select to not use Mobile.
    2. Click Add Account to start adding accounts to the new file.

    After adding accounts, see if you are experiencing the same problems in this test file. 

    Please let me know how this goes, I look forward to hearing your response. 

    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • kramerent
    kramerent Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    Prior to seeing your reply above I have spend another 20 minutes today 8/24/2022 with a Key Bank support representative over the phone and they have mentioned something about server issues. They had the Direct Download pin reset once more (probably the 5th time) and upon one more try it did work.

    While not knowing exactly why the previous 4 attempts failed, both the support person and I were happy the issue has apparently been resolved. The final test will be in the next few days when I'll keep downloading more transactions, hopefully I won't get any other error messages.

    For reference, I have been told by Key Bank my previous Direct Connect attempts did not appear on their end at all, leading them to believe it was a server error at the intuit/quicken side. Not sure if the issue being resolved has anything to do with the open ticket #9652600 but thank you!
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