Chase On-Line Balance incorrect

JZ78 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
After suffering through the process of changing my Chase accounts from Direct connect to Web. I noticed beginning a couple days ago that the online balance shown after doing my daily update does not match my Quicken account, nor does it match the balance when I log into my Chase account on my computer. I have 3 accounts 1 before the change to Web, shows the correct online balance, but the other 2 do not. The only difference is that the one which shows the correct online balance did not have an opening balance and did not require any editing after the switch to Web connect, whereas the other 2 had to be edited as reported in another thread.


  • J_Mike
    J_Mike Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    QWin & QMac (Deluxe) Subscription
    Quicken user since 1991

  • AVT
    AVT Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am having this issue too. Balances on all Chase accounts are stale by a day. Was not an issue before.
  • HeyJudeOregon
    HeyJudeOregon Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same here, this migration to EWC+ has been disastrous for my Chase accounts. Even after hours of manual reconciliations, once I connect to EWC+ all of my balances are incorrect; How was this rolled out with such inadequate testing?
  • dcm
    dcm Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm glad I found others with the same issue. Now hoping for a resoltion from Quicken.
  • OldTimeQuser
    OldTimeQuser Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    The online balance has no bearing on the actual account current balance nor does it make sense when accounting for a pending transaction. My Chase card accounts are therefore not able to be auto reconciled. A step backwards in function unfortunately.

    Q user since DOS version and losing faith recently.
  • jamwhale
    jamwhale Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same problem here. Cannot reconcile the accounts. I don't know if the problem is with Chase or Quicken. The new interface was pushed down from Chase.
  • kuhawksr1
    kuhawksr1 Member ✭✭✭
    Same. New issue since converting Chase credit card account to new connection method. When I reconcile, what is showing as online balance is lower than my cleared balance in Quicken. The balance coming through the integration is wrong.
  • I another unhappy Quicken customer with the same problem, which I have now had for two days straight. I reset my account and that did not help. I hope this problem can be resolved soon as I don't want to put false numbers into my register to see if that resolves the balance issue with an offset.
  • ThomasW
    ThomasW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue...
  • bullbeast
    bullbeast Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue here. Will there be an upcoming fix for this? I now fear for the upcoming Bank of America change as I think it will present the same issue.
  • bdantes
    bdantes Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Well, add me to the "same here" list. The conversion went badly -- didn't recognize the accounts already linked. Had to explicitly unlink and try again, tediously removing a bunch of transactions already in the register. And then at the end ran into this issue where the Quicken online balance is just wrong -- it doesn't match what's in Quicken locally or what's directly on the Chase web site. This clearly was miserably tested -- as a software engineer myself, it just makes me shake my head when rollouts go this badly.
  • Rowland764
    Rowland764 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same issue with my 3 chase accounts. After accepting the downloaded transactions, when reconciling the accounts, the "online balance" doesn't match any number. It's not what Chase is showing on line. I just have to cancel the recon and then manually do it.
  • allenr5
    allenr5 Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken has the wrong online balance for Chase credit card accounts. Instead of displaying the Current Balance or the Current Balance plus pending charges, it is display Current Balance minus Pending Charges.
  • gtgerbo
    gtgerbo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Add me to the list. I don't know how much time I lost arm wrestling with Quicken to get the new connection method to work. Nonetheless - the download for my Chase checking account was impacting my reconciled balance. Turns out that the system/download was implementing a change to my opening balance, which is and entry that goes back to 1/1/2020! It's a simple fix to edit/change the opening balance. However, it took some time to figure out that this was the problem.

    Does Quicken test this stuff before it gets released?
  • jamwhale
    jamwhale Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Not so simple. When I opened my backup file to see what the beginning balance was Quicken was updating in the background apparently massaging the opening balance (2016), so I have no idea what it should have been.
  • mfay81
    mfay81 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I have the same issue - hope Quicken corrects this soon!
  • Hurting2Ride
    Hurting2Ride Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Good thing all these errors aren't related to something important, like ,ya know, our finances. And that their customers have the extra time to troubleshoot these issues.

    Between Chase & Quicken, both of which I've done business with for approximately 35 years, I'm having a very difficult time deciding who currently cares less about the impact of changes they force upon their customers. This is just the latest and whoever is responsible for this roll-out should be (at least) embarrassed.

    I miss the MS-DOS days. Not that it didn't have its own problems but at least the payoff was a program than ran rapidly even on meh computers. I'd say it was at least twice as fast as the current version to perform the core functions of inputting and reconciling transactions. So much progress.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    During this Chase conversion, I experienced the error in linking to my existing account (resolved after disabling and re enabling online connection). Then, my beginning balance from 2015 was changed for uncertain reasons. After correcting this, my Quicken balance does match the Chase online balance on the Chase site BUT the noted online balance in Quicken is incorrect and nonsensical. This makes it impossible to use the downloaded balance to reconcile my Chase account in Quicken. Up until this conversion, I was not experiencing any issues. A poorly thought out and inadequately tested conversion. Direct connect is always preferred to EWC. Quicken/Chase please help.

    Quicken user since Quicken 96
  • SCAntonio
    SCAntonio Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    🤬 Me too!! Horrible transition that messed up not only my 4 chase accounts, but every account from which I'd ever made a payment to the Chase CC's. Now I've got the incorrect balance issue reported by many others. Issues like this a few years ago was why I abandoned Quicken & only recently came back figuring "surely, they've worked out the kinks, right?"
  • Murali Narayanan
    Murali Narayanan Member ✭✭✭
    check the opening balance. In my case, after the update, the opening balance was not zeroo but it was negative and the amount was the last transaction. YMMV.
  • kuhawksr1
    kuhawksr1 Member ✭✭✭
    Pending transactions being included in the online balance coming from Chase is my issue. The $ amount shown on the Chase website matches the 'Difference' amount shown in Quicken when I attempt to reconcile. The issue is apparently being addressed and updates are being posted to this thread by Q:
  • W G Harbuck
    W G Harbuck Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    This migration is a substantial failure
  • Matt Herndon
    Matt Herndon Member ✭✭✭
    > @W G Harbuck said:
    > This migration is a substantial failure

    As someone who has credit cards with a variety of banks, it seems like every one of these migrations has taken a month or two before they iron out all of the issues. It's dumbfounding that they don't test this stuff more thoroughly.
  • ThomasW
    ThomasW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    The "Online Balance" issue is NOT that the pending transactions are included in the online balance. The issue is that the current, posted balance is SUBTRACTED from the pending balance. For example: the Current balance for my Chase Credit Card account in Quicken and online is $66.58. The amount of the pending charges is currently $119.63. $119.63 - $66.58 = $53.05.... Guess what Quicken is showing as my Online Balance? $53.05
    That is probably ONE LINE of code that needs to be changed in Quicken, and they can't find it?
    I don't believe it.
  • ThomasW
    ThomasW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Apparently comments can't be edited, so I will continue my thoughts here: Since all of my pending charges are credits and not debits, then if the pending charges were being included in the online balance, the amount of the online balance should be, in fact, $66.58 PLUS $119.63, or $186.21.

    So the logic of this whole calculation is incorrect. And yes, I write computer software. This is not a hard fix. Simply delete the pending charges from the calculation and read the current posted balance. Duh!
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    ThomasW said:
    Apparently comments can't be edited, 
    You can edit a comment up to 1 day by clicking on the ... in the upper right of the comment.
    This is my website:
  • Tom Connell
    Tom Connell Member ✭✭✭
    I have been struggling with a $216.20 error in my account since the migration. Based on this and another post I went back to my 2010 Opening Balance for the account and guess what I found? The entry had been changed from a Reconciled entry of $0 to $216.20. So it seems the code is making a wonky miscalculation and then very sneakily altering the Opening Balance of the account. I changed the entry back to $0 and was able to reconcile. I'll watch as I run Updates but this may have solved the problem.

    > @ThomasW said:
    > The "Online Balance" issue is NOT that the pending transactions are included in the online balance. The issue is that the current, posted balance is SUBTRACTED from the pending balance. For example: the Current balance for my Chase Credit Card account in Quicken and online is $66.58. The amount of the pending charges is currently $119.63. $119.63 - $66.58 = $53.05.... Guess what Quicken is showing as my Online Balance? $53.05
    > That is probably ONE LINE of code that needs to be changed in Quicken, and they can't find it?
    > I don't believe it.
  • kuhawksr1
    kuhawksr1 Member ✭✭✭
    > @kuhawksr1 said:
    > Same. New issue since converting Chase credit card account to new connection method. When I reconcile, what is showing as online balance is lower than my cleared balance in Quicken. The balance coming through the integration is wrong.

    This issue resolved on its own. It appears they have updated what balance is pulled from Chase and I am now able to reconcile without issue.
  • mfay81
    mfay81 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Update - for the last 5 days my updates are now working correctly - Quicken balance matches the online balance at Chase. Anyone else notice this fix?
  • davemize
    davemize Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Mine's been working as well this week....
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