QM 6.11: Update Single Account MIssing from Accounts Menu

Lysander Spooner
Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
Up to 6.10 I could download account transactions for a single account. There was a command on the Account Menu called Update Selected Account.
In 6.11 this command is missing. Why? is this a bug or intentional?

Is there a new way to update a single account? 


  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    Yes, why would they remove it? Often I only need to update one or two accounts. Having to go through all the accounts is a pain.
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    Well for those of us who were not confused it is a downgrade. There is no mention in the release notes about why this "fix" was made.
  • Matt Comer
    Matt Comer Member ✭✭✭
    I agree. Why was this removed. And why was no mention made of it? 
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    From what I am able to understand the single account download was removed because of future migrations to the Quicken web base. Not sure Ive explained this properly but perhaps Rick can be more precise. I also observed that the time of the the downloads is quite slow (5+ mins) if you change the connectivity status from always to never 
  • Lazarus Long
    Lazarus Long Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I'm pretty sure you used to be able to "Update selected online account". Now, you can only update all accounts. Or am I missing something?
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    From what I am able to understand the single account download was removed because of future migrations to the Quicken web base.

    What? I have no clue what this means.
    What does "migrations to the Quicken web base" have to do with my question?
    All I want is the ability -- that has been there for years -- to update a single account restored.
    Quicken has given no explanation as to why they would remove this functionality.

    Would someone from Quicken please provide information about why this was removed and when it will be restored?    
  • Lazarus Long
    Lazarus Long Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Glad it's not just me
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    RickO said:
    From what I am able to understand the single account download was removed because of future migrations to the Quicken web base. Not sure Ive explained this properly but perhaps Rick can be more precise. I also observed that the time of the the downloads is quite slow (5+ mins) if you change the connectivity status from always to never 
    I think what you mean is the transition to QWC+ and away from Direct Connect. If Direct Connect were gone, then single FI update would never happen. While many FIs are moving away from DC, I believe it will be with us for a good time coming. As I indicated above, I believe the reason for this change is the frequent misunderstandings from users because of the menu wording.

    This is all very fascinating, but I still have many Direct Connect accounts.
    If, as you speculate, Quicken thought the command confusing there are a number of things they could have done than silently removing it.

    Honestly, I cannot see how it was confusing. If you a looking at the register for Bank X and then go to the Accounts menu and see a command, "Update Selected Account" what else could it mean? You have selected an account and are viewing it right now. Want to update it? Great, use this command.

    Again this command has been in Quicken forever. If some users do not want it, OK, offer a control in Application Settings to hide it.

    Even Quicken Help for Mac sill shows how to do this:

  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    The command is still in Quicken Help:

  • billeye10
    billeye10 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I can’t agree more that removing Selected Account is REALY super annoying and have to do all accounts takes a long time. In addition to that, if on account blows up with issue like duplicate transactions or wrong transactions then you have a bigger problem to back out of. In stead of maybe restoring the backup and fix and redownload one account all the account will need to be done again. This was not thought through. Maybe I missed it but I did not see this change in the Release Notes. PLEASE put downloading the selected account back in SOON.
  • GregSimm
    GregSimm Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    The last update removed the upload bank feature that i used every day!! Update selected account is gone in version 6.11.1 please bring it back and save me hours of manual typing every entry!! Mac version
  • billeye10
    billeye10 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I don’t use the word HATE often but now I HATE not being able to update only one account at a time!!! I am having a download issue with one account out of 17 account and I have to update ALL 17 just to troubleshoot one account. Quicken, Get your head out of where ever it is and get into the real world PLEASE!!! Put the feature back real soon please
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    Do Quicken employees monitor this forum? If so, why no response?
  • rdmcelrath
    rdmcelrath Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I am running
    Quicken Premier
    Version 6.11.1 (Build 611.47285.100)

    command-u seems to attempt to update all accounts.

    I am searching for a way to just update the selected account / accounts under same financial institution.

    And I have not found it yet.

    Help Please
  • Franniedc
    Franniedc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    open the account, go to settings wheel for the account open, top right and click download transactions. only that account will update
  • Franniedc
    Franniedc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    sorry about the Q win suggestion. good luck with the mac. we are in this together
  • rdmcelrath
    rdmcelrath Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Thank you all - I found the other thread - shortly after I posted my question. Kind of sucks - but what can you do.

    I've used quicken since the 90's. And long after switching to the mac - I ran quicken for Windows via Parallels Desktop. The migration over to native Quicken for Mac has been jarring, and somewhat painful. But at least they are still developing on it.
  • Dave Sewhuk
    Dave Sewhuk Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I was shocked that this was removed. I also have many accounts some with 2-factor requiring interactions. I vote to restore this feature. If the new "web connector" has to do all accounts, they need to change the specifications to allow it to only do selected accounts. This software widget is an entity of their making, they should be able to make it work like it did in the past or they are completely incompetent or resistant to user and marketing change.
  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    I think they have enough problems with syncing already; the last thing they should be doing right now is making it more complicated than it already is. But then, I'm an old curmudgeon who refuses to use anything other than Direct Connect, so what do I know? 
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    Looks like Quicken is committed to this change. The online help shows they removed this section:

    That and the fact that Quicken has not responded to all the complaints on this forum means they do not care what you think.

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    I don't think it's "they do not care what you think" at all. I think they made this change to resolve one problem, and didn't fully anticipate the problems it would create for some users.

    The problem is that the old only Update Selected Online Account did not actually do what it said. If the account you selected was a Direct Connect account, it would download all Direct Connect accounts at that financial institution; if the account you selected was a Quicken Connect account, it would download all Quicken Connect accounts. So the description of downloading a single account was incorrect, and had been that way since modern Quicken Mac debuted more than 8 years ago. There was never a way to download a single account (although it might have seemed that way if you had only a single Direct Connect account at a particular financial institution, or if you only had a single Quicken Connect account).

    This caused confusion for users quite frequently. So the developers apparently decided that in order to not create such confusion, they would get rid of the Update Selected Online Account option which didn't actually do what it said it would. To me, that makes sense.

    Unfortunately, they apparently didn't understand that for many users, the ability to download some (if not one) accounts at a time instead of all accounts at a time was useful and important. If downloads generally worked flawlessly, it might not be an issue, but because users often experience errors/problems with one or more accounts, having all accounts download together made the user experience worse for those users. They likely didn't do tests that simulated what a user with a large number of accounts with a large number of transactions across many financial institutions would experience in the time it now takes do download all. They likely didn't understand that some people's workflows are to look at certain accounts frequently and others less frequently.

    So the change solved one problem, but created others. Hopefully they will come up with some solutions to resolve the issues the change has created.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @RickO Your suggestion would definitely be helpful to people with DC accounts who now cannot download then individually. I'm just not sure that it wouldn't re-introduce some of the confusion they were trying to remove, because some users would see the Update Selected Account grayed out and not understand why.

    I've never understood why they couldn't program the downloads from the Quicken aggregation server to only download a selected account (or even to download everything but ignore all but the selected account), but I understand it was never designed to work that way. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    The "Update All Accounts At This Financial Institution" was never a problem of confusion. It has worked that way for years.
    Anyone who had more than one account at an FI realized that downloading "a single account" caused all accounts under their user name (ID) to download.

    They just eleminated that option without any comment or explanation and continue to remain silent on the point.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    The "Update All Accounts At This Financial Institution" was never a problem of confusion. It has worked that way for years.
    Anyone who had more than one account at an FI realized that downloading "a single account" caused all accounts under their user name (ID) to download.

    They just eleminated that option without any comment or explanation and continue to remain silent on the point.
    I'll disagree with your assessment. There were many, repeated questions, confusion, and sometimes anger over this issue over the years on this forum, and I'm sure there were many calls to Quicken Support about it. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Jill4@
    Jill4@ Member ✭✭
    I was able to update single account previously and frequently used for checking account - which was a different FI than other accounts. Functionality no longer works which is extremely annoying and time consuming. Please correct!
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    jacobs said:
    The "Update All Accounts At This Financial Institution" was never a problem of confusion. It has worked that way for years.
    Anyone who had more than one account at an FI realized that downloading "a single account" caused all accounts under their user name (ID) to download.

    They just eleminated that option without any comment or explanation and continue to remain silent on the point.
    I'll disagree with your assessment. There were many, repeated questions, confusion, and sometimes anger over this issue over the years on this forum, and I'm sure there were many calls to Quicken Support about it. 
    Even a command like "Update All Accounts At This Financial Institution" would be acceptable. But until Quicken chimes in this dicsussion is not going to get anywhere.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Lysander Spooner said:
    Even a command like "Update All Accounts At This Financial Institution" would be acceptable.
    But that would only work for Direct Connect accounts. If the account a user selects is a Quicken Connect account, it would download all Quicken Connect accounts from the aggregation server, irrespective of financial institution — the way it has always worked.

    There are a few options:

    1) Go back to the way it was, with Update This Account in the menu, but the program logic doing something else. That seems unlikely.

    2) Develop code so that a single account's transactions can be downloaded from the aggregation server or a financial institution's Direct Connect server. That seems like a massive project (and one which crosses into Quicken Windows and Quicken Mobile functionality) and thus seems unlikely.

    3) Come up with some user interface approach for making downloads from a single financial institution available for Direct Connect users, and all other accounts for Quicken Connect users (e.g. the previous download functionality). This seems plausible, but coming up with the UI/UX to make it clear and understandable to users what will and won't download (and why other options aren't available, depending on the account selected) is tricky, as discussed above in this thread. 

    Lysander Spooner said:
    But until Quicken chimes in this dicsussion is not going to get anywhere.
    The development team is aware that their solution in the current release isn't satisfactory for some users. But they aren't in the habit of responding in this forum to discuss what their future plans are.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • nsos
    nsos Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    I'll just add to the chorus in case anyone from Quicken is reading. I have 40 online accounts. Some of these are only updated annually, quarterly, monthly, etc. It makes no sense for me to have to wait for all accounts to be updated when I only want to reconcile 1 account/institution. It's worked well for me for the past 10+ years. Regardless of what the road map is for connectivity solutions, this is a significant downgrade for me today.
  • billeye10
    billeye10 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I agree with NSOS. Just put it back to the way it was... Please
  • Lysander Spooner
    Lysander Spooner Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    jacobs said:
    The development team is aware that their solution in the current release isn't satisfactory for some users. But they aren't in the habit of responding in this forum to discuss what their future plans are.
    Even so, they made a change that pissed off many users and did not even think to add an explanation in the release notes.
    I think you mentioned you are still on 6.10 but the rest of us who are not in touch with the developers did not have that option since we were totally unaware of the change.
This discussion has been closed.