Reauthorize American Express does NOT include Corporate Card



  • MLG_Vegas
    MLG_Vegas Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Exactly as @Chris_QPW states, the issue here is not about payment responsibility, but about getting AmEx Corporate Card transactions to download into Quicken.

    @Snowman separately, but for your education: it is very common for people to pay AmEx directly for their Corporate Card (and the company reimburses the employee as expense reports are submitted). In fact, it’s the only way it has ever worked for me with AmEx Corporate Cards. I have, however, had some corporate MasterCard and Visas work as you describe, where the company paid the bank on my behalf.
  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭

    I was just trying to find out the reason why someone would want to track a card that was not their responsibility to pay for unless it was to keep track of their spending on a corporate card. My 'corporate card has the same log in as my personal cards. I will try today to see if I can add it just to see if it works. When I reauthorized my personal cards and had to link them to the proper account my business account was one of the options.

  • MLG_Vegas
    MLG_Vegas Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Snowman: technically, the card is my responsibility. If I don’t properly submit the expense report I would have to pay out-of-pocket. What I do is code all expenses and reimbursement transactions to a single category in Quicken. And that category should wash to $0 upon reimbursement from my employer. The payment to Amex is a transfer, so only impacts cash flow.
  • somedave
    somedave Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I’ll add that it’s not _just_ corporate cards. I have one of the higher tier Marriott Bonvoy cards and it’s experiencing the same problem.
  • jlz
    jlz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    you may all find my comment on 2/15 of use as we all wait for this to be fixed. to summarize this is not a Quicken issue, it is an Amex side issue that Amex needs to resolve as Amex is not presenting their specialty cards (corporate, BonVoy) for Quicken for authorization and download. we are all waiting on Amex to correct the issue. Unfortunately if you call the Amex member services desk their procedures will point you back to Quicken even though level 3 at Quicken advised me they are working with Amex to resolve the issue that Amex has on their side. and yes I want my corporate card to download so I can track my companies payment behavior and the occasional shared expense that I must pay a portion of.
  • Claudio Brasca
    Claudio Brasca Member ✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Maybe... I am not sure this is an Amex issue. It is Quicken who ultimately sells the ability to download information. And currently their download feature is fundamentally broken for both Amex cards as well as Citi checking / savings accounts. It is Quicken's responsibility to work with financial institutions to get this fixed. That's what we pay them for...
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I agree with @jlz that this is a AMEX problem. This isn't the first time this has happened. The similar things have happed to several of other financial institutions that have changed over to Express Web Connect +. Why would Quicken Inc or Intuit put in any code that even knows the difference between these accounts? To them a credit card is a credit card.

    This is my website:
  • ChrisAZ2023
    ChrisAZ2023 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Experiencing similar issues. My personal cards completed the authorization fine, but when you try to reauthorize or even add an American Express Corporate card you get to the Amex site and the card is not listed to complete the process. Spent an hour on the phone with Quicken rep and Amex and neither could resolve.
  • Guiming Miao
    Guiming Miao Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I don't think they can resolve the problem over the phone. I think American Express needs to review this reauthorization process in their back end and find out why only their only brand personal cards are showing. If there is any filter or condition that blocks other types of cards showing, then that should be removed or fixed. Since we are paying Quicken subscription fee and they are changing the connection method on us, we should continue to hold Quicken accountable, they need to communicate with American Express to have the problem corrected.
  • Steve Long Time User
    Steve Long Time User Member ✭✭✭
    This is fundamentally a disaster regardless of which end is broken, Quicken or Amex.
    Direct Connect with Amex has been working flawlessly for "decades"! This change from Direct Connect to Express Web Connect (EWC) is NOT welcome.
    In my experience, EWC has the most failures and it's also slower and less reliable.

    It's been a month since the problem was reported, and it's still not fixed. More support resources are needed to restore normal operation.
  • Claudio Brasca
    Claudio Brasca Member ✭✭
    Well said Steve. I am sure that none of the users paying for Quicken subscriptions are responsible. It would be good to see Quicken step up and collaborate more effectively with financial institutions to avoid these bugs remaining unresolved for months (or years in the case of Citi).
  • jlz
    jlz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    when I spoke to Quicken for a hour back on 2/15 (see page 1) the helpful Q support person advised they were interacting with level 3 support at Quicken and that they were aware of the Amex issue and working directly with Amex IT to resolve. Any direct attempt to contact Amex via chat or Member Services has proved fruitless for me.

    Like the rest of us I keep trying every other day or so to see if Amex resolved, nope.

    Vanguard is another example of a company that has implementation issues as well, as I need disable and reenable my Vanguard connection each payday to get it to work.

    if not fixed in another week or so maybe I'll go another round with Quicken support but encourage others to give it a go as well, asking the support level 1 person escalate to someone working the issue with Amex... it's too bad Quicken doesn't come on here and give us all an update, that sure would be nice...
  • Claudio Brasca
    Claudio Brasca Member ✭✭
    Yes. The silence from Quicken is deafening. Can we pls get an update? I thought the point of leaving Intuit was to go back to the roots of being a user centric service. This is the exact opposite.
  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Claudio Brasca Unfortunatly I belive they still depend on Intuit servers for some things.

  • Steve Long Time User
    Steve Long Time User Member ✭✭✭
    Well, I'm not convinced it's the servers (Intuit or otherwise), it's the software, both Quicken, AMEX and Network interface.
    AS I SEE IT: AMEX switched from Direct Connect to Express Web Connect. (BIG MISTAKE FOR AMEX).
    EWC has always been unreliable (as far as I've seen over many years - 30+ that I've observed).
    I would guess that AMEX will lose accounts over this, especially from those who have had AMEX for a long time (like me). I'm not going to continue doing business with AMEX with unreliable software interfaces. It's easy to just stop using AMEX. Problem solved.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023

    They didn't “leave” Intuit. Intuit got tired of supporting a program/process that was some problematic and wasn't adding much to their bottom line. So, they sold off Quicken. But they never sold the “scripts/connection group”, which was separate from the “Quicken group”. Most likely because QuickBooks uses the same group (this is also called aggregation/an aggregator). Quicken Inc (the new company) is way too small to maintain relationships all the financial institutions and rewriting Quicken to use a different aggregator was really out the question because of the time and money it would take. And the fact that there are very few aggregators, and none are perfect.

    What's more I'm 99% sure this problem is with AMEX not either Quicken Inc or Intuit, even though both them are in the flow of the data. One of the main points of going to Express Web Connect + over Express Web Connect is that Express Web Connect + is a standardized protocol and Express Web Connect isn't. What that means that the data is being transferred to Intuit in a standard format, and it wouldn't be Intuit (or Quicken) that gets to decide what accounts at the financial institution are available.

    This same kind of problem has come up at other financial institutions, and most of them have been fixed in time. The whole point of such a standard protocol is that Intuit and Quicken Inc can write the code once and be done with it. They shouldn't be “customizing” for this financial institution or that one. And I don't think they are.

    The problem with a new protocol, even a standardized one is that each financial institution has to come up to speed on how to implement it.

    Note that Direct Connect is also a standardized protocol, but it was implement decades ago, and Intuit charge financial istitutions to help them get it setup. And I'm sure there were growing pains when it was first setup too.

    EDIT I also wanted to say that I will bet the underline protocol (FDX for Express Web Connect +) is probably close to the same complexity as Direct Connect OFX, but Direct Connect is better because the it is from Quicken (the program) to the financial institution's OFX server. Whereas Express Web Connect + is from Quicken (the program) → Quicken server/Quicken cloud dataset/syncing → Intuit server (with FDX) → Financial institution. It stands to reason the more servers/programs data has to transfer through the more likely that things will mess up.

    I definitely wished that all the financial institutions would have adopted it (Direct Connect/OFX), but that didn't happen, and this is their latest push at “some standard”. My opinion is that it will be the same as Direct Connect/OFX where the whole financial institution industry will not adopt it and you will just get more fragmentation of the systems used for downloading of transaction data.

    This is my website:
  • Steve Long Time User
    Steve Long Time User Member ✭✭✭
    @Chris_QPW Yeah, that's definitely a "what could possibly go wrong" scenario. LOL !
  • StaticWater
    StaticWater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
  • StaticWater
    StaticWater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Quicken Support's periodic updates on this issue here:
  • Guiming Miao
    Guiming Miao Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thank you for the update. That helps. @StaticWater
  • Claudio Brasca
    Claudio Brasca Member ✭✭
    Thank you @StaticWater . I will note that the periodic updates are simply saying the problem is still unresolved and they are working hard on it. No details... Boiler plate language automatically generated. I am not sure they are very helpful or confidence building as updates go.
  • Steve Long Time User
    Steve Long Time User Member ✭✭✭
    NEWS FLASH: Email from Quicken says AMEX Direct Connect going away by March 23, 2023. Change it or lose it.
    So, I tried again today. Express Web Connect+ (EWC+) for AMEX personal accounts worked. Is it reliable? Time will tell.
  • sdai
    sdai Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @Steve Long Time User said:
    > NEWS FLASH: Email from Quicken says AMEX Direct Connect going away by March 23, 2023. Change it or lose it.
    > So, I tried again today. Express Web Connect+ (EWC+) for AMEX personal accounts worked. Is it reliable? Time will tell.

    my corporate card is still screwed...
  • StaticWater
    StaticWater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Corporate cards are still not listed as an option to connect to. Amex and Quicken need to fix this. Quicken is aware of the issue and posts (so far fruitless) updates here:
    CAKMD Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Have a similar issue that I posted about above. I have 2 different AmEx log ins but can only authorize one or the other but not both (but my personal and business cards work for each account).

    Anyone else have this issue?

  • Stripedbass411
    Stripedbass411 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken has finally fixed the American Express reauthorization problem today (see “MultipleAmexCards.JPG”) where users with more than one Amex credit card were not presented with all their available credit cards for reauthorization after signing into the redirected Amex page.

    The Quicken for Windows release is Version R48.9 Build (see “QuickenVersion.JPG”) and it is available for download through both the “One Step Update” and “Check for Updates” option on the “Help” menu. Unfortunately, there is no mention of this fix in the release notes (see “ReleaseNotes.JPG”).
  • jlz
    jlz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Concur that the problem has been finally resolved as I was able to successfully link and download my Amex Corporate Card. Thanks to Amex for finally updating their Quicken integration to present our multiple cards for download authorization and allowing Quicken software to complete the process!
  • somedave
    somedave Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I still can't see my Bonvoy Amex card and the "Authorize" button is still greyed out, even after deactivating as suggested here, so it's not solved for everyone. I'm happy for the folks who are back online, but hopefully this improvement doesn't mean those of use who are still broken are just out of luck forever.

  • Claudio Brasca
    Claudio Brasca Member ✭✭
    I can confirm that the problem is solved. Thank you all for the updates.
  • somedave
    somedave Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I can also confirm that the problem is not fixed for me, even after downloading the most recent update (I thought maybe I didn't have the latest when I tried yesterday).

This discussion has been closed.