I'm unable to re-reconcile a credit card account

verso21 Member ✭✭
I'm using Quicken/Mac 6.12.3, with MacOS 13.2.1
I was reviewing a credit card account that I've reconciled successfully for 20+ years.
Quicken seems to have decided that a couple of months two years ago are no longer reconciled--though Q thought so at the time. My balance corresponds to the bank statement's balance--Q thinks the amount should be higher by several hundred dollars. It is completely unclear why.
This version of Quicken no longer allows users to actually re-reconcile an account. That would allow you to start the reconciliation process from the beginning, entering the beginning and ending balances, etc. That is no longer possible--instead, you're looking at a screen of entries, and, true, you could look for missing or duplicate debits/credits, etc. But everything shown is correct and corresponds to the bank statement. Clearly Quicken has gone to a (wrong) different beginning balance to arrive at this--but there's no way to correct this--is there?
So ... either Quicken was telling me untruths when it said that previous reconciliations balanced--or has gone off the rails for some reason. But how can this be fixed?


  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I had that happen on one account (also a credit card account) - the account balance a couple years back in the reconciliation history was suddenly off by a large amount and then was back to the correct value about a year later. I couldn't find a way to fix it other than to completely clear out the reconciliation history & rereconcile the account from scratch using the most recent statement. I lost all the reconciliation history but the erroneous reconciled balance was gone.

  • verso21
    verso21 Member ✭✭
    Thanks for the quick answer, Jon. How exactly did you do that? This account goes back to 2002, and I have statements now from only Jan. 2019.
  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2023

    You don't need anything other than the most recent statement.

    When you're looking at the reconciliation history window, click on the Clear History button in the lower left. This will remove all reconciliation for the account & every transaction that was marked Reconciled will be changed to Cleared.

    Then exit the history window to go back to the reconciliation window. Perform a new reconciliation using the balance & ending date for the most recent statement. Click Next and you'll be performing a reconciliation but for the entire lifespan of the account. You might have to select or unselect a transaction or two near the statement end date (as per usual) but you should be very close to balanced already. Once you've zeroed out the difference, hit Finish and you're done. All the old transactions are reconciled again.

    I'd back up your file before doing this just in case something goes wrong.

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @Jon @verso21 I've run into this type of problem before as well, and it frustrated me that Quicken doesn't have a way to delete one month, or a few months, of reconciliation history in order to re-reconcile to resolve a discrepancy which spans multiple months. As @Jon noted, it's possible to “Clear History” to delete reconciliation history for all time, and then do one mass reconcile of everything up to current time, but this presents a sledgehammer solution to problems which might require a simpler, smaller fix. So I created an Idea thread to request the addition of a feature to allow individual reconciliations to be deleted, without losing the entire history of reconciliations.

    Please take a few seconds to visit this topic, add your vote, and add your comments.

    Vote and comment here: https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7930438/allow-individual-account-reconciliations-to-be-deleted

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • verso21
    verso21 Member ✭✭
    @Jon Thanks again for the suggestion--but it didn't work (if I'm understanding your suggested method correctly...). I deleted the history for the account. I thought by doing so I would be able to "new reconciliation using the balance & ending date for the most recent statement." But no -- if I choose Account > Reconcile Account... I don't see a new reconciliation window that would allow me to enter a balance and ending date, which you expect if the reconciliation history has been deleted. Instead, I see the old re-reconciliation window, which is in error (but which doesn't really allow any meaningful corrections).
  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I've deleted the reconciliation for one of my credit cards a couple times now & was able to do a fresh reconciliation both times without getting the re-reconciliation window. I don't know why it's working differently for you.

  • verso21
    verso21 Member ✭✭
    @Jon Thanks--I suspected as much, from what you had said. Sounds like a Quicken bug of some kind. I'll get in touch with them. If I learn anything interesting I'll report it here.
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