Quicken showing UK pounds in US dollars

manookian Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
edited April 2023 in Investing (Windows)
I have an investment in SGGEF which is in quoted UK pounds, the currency for this security is UK pound[which is correct]. The account holding this asset shows the UK pound symbol. However, the Quoted price is showing 9.06 which is US dollars. 7.532[UK pounds] * 1.20286[exchange rate] I'm expecting the quoted price to be in UK pounds as the account and security are in UK pounds. Am I missing something?


  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @manookian,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Quicken Community, though I do apologize that you are experiencing this issue.

    To clarify, the quoted price for your investment is showing in US dollars while the details of the account show this to be downloaded in UK pounds?

    If so, I suggest that you please try validating and/or super validating your data file. However, I do recommend that you first save a backup file prior to performing these steps.


    1. File
    2. Validate and Repair File...
    3. Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    If the issue persists, proceed to Super Validate. If the issue is resolved after performing validation, then please disregard the instructions to Super Validate.

    Super Validate:

    1. File
    2. Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
    3. Super Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    Please let us know how this goes!

    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • manookian
    manookian Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thank you for your help @Quicken%20Jasmine, however the validation process didn't help. I believe the issue is the ticker symbol quicken has available for this security is quoted in US dollars only, namely SGGEF. The FTSE ticker symbol is SGE.L which is in UK Pounds. It looks like quicken can't access that ticker symbol.
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