Can't add Discover Card or Discover Bank to Quicken - get CC-503

I've sent in log files out the wazoo from all 3 files. I've validated files and Super validated files over and over. I've sent in screen shots. I've changed passwords several times for all of the accounts. I've changed user names as well. I have password that don't have any "special" characters now. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Quicken several times. None of that helps.
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Hello @jrgator,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. You have already been through the troubleshooting that we would recommend. When I checked the tickets to see what troubleshooting you've already been through, it looked like one of the tickets is still open, waiting for your reply to an email. If you did not receive that email, you may want to contact our phone support for futher assistance. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.
About the only other thing I can think of is if you have some setting or program on your computer that is interfering. Have you tried turning off VPN, antivirus, and/or firewall to see if that makes any difference? Do you have an alternate device you can try using, or perhaps a different profile on the same device?
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Thanks for getting back to me. I didn't get any notification of your reply...figured I'd get an email or something. Just saw a number next to the "bell" when I logged into Quicken Help.
Anyway, to answer your questions: The open ticket is weird. I have responded to every open ticket that I've received emails about. The responses from tech support are always "worthless". They ask if I've tried this, that, and the other. They describe how to copy-paste passwords, etc. Everything they suggest, I've tried MULTIPLE times for months. NONE of my accounts the use EWC will download because I can't add the account...always get CC-503. All of my accounts with Direct Connect and EWC+ work fine. No problems at all.
Your question: "Have you tried turning off VPN, antivirus, and/or firewall to see if that makes any difference?" Absolutely. Many times. All of these were done with Tech Support watching me with screen share. Those attempts at fixing the problem have been documented several times in tickets.
I've set up "Test" files many times. I've used different computers with test Files. (My laptop, my wife's laptop, my daughter's laptop, and an old desktop I don't use much.) All of them do exactly the same thing. If the credit card or bank checking or savings account uses EWC, I cannot add the account...I get CC-503. If the account uses Direct Connect or EWC+, it works fine. ON ALL of these Devices.
The only thing I can think of that is common to all of these devices is my Quicken Login Credentials.
I have logged out of all of the devices when I try too many times and get CC-929. After a day or so, I can log back into Quicken using my Quicken UN and PW and go back to CC-503. It takes about 4 or 5 attempts in one day (even with different accounts) to go to CC-929.
I've had Quicken since 1996. I'm pretty good at it. I know how to copy/paste PWs. All of my accounts have different PWs and I didn't know how to use PWs, why are all of my accounts the use Direct Connect and EWC+ working fine?
Is there someway on Quickens side of things to "Reset" my Quicne ID? I'm paid up but again, my Quicken account has some problem because it's the only thing I can think of that is common to the devices. Especially when trying new, empty, "Test" files.0 -
Having the same issue after I reset my discover accounts.0
Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
That's when this whole thing started with me. About 2 or 3 months ago, I had to reset my 2 Discover accounts (Card and Bank Savings) when Direct Connect went away. Now none of my Express Web Connect accounts will download. I have 20 different accounts in 3 files that will not let me "add" them back to One-Step-Update after needing a reset.0 -
Thank you for your reply,
If you have the page bookmarked, you will usually get an email when anyone posts. If you are not getting those emails, you may want to check the junk or spam folder.
Since you have already been through the troubleshooting I have available to me, you would need to reach out to phone support, since they have the ability to escalate as appropriate.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Yep, I checked my notification selections under settings and the email thing wasn't checked. It is now.
I've called phone support about once a week since January about this problem. Usually spend about an hour and a half with the first tech support person. I've learned to call after 10am PST so that they will hand me off to the next support tier (not directly hand-off...they talk with someone while I'm on hold). They always try the same things that I've tried tons of times. Have me copy/paste my user name and PW for each account. Try typing them in manually. Make sure I can sign into the website for the account with the user name and PW. Make sure VPN is off. Turn off Firewall. Validate and repair. Send them some log files. Sign out of my Quicken account and then back in. Uninstall Quicken and then reinstall it. Etc, Etc, Etc. I looked it up and I have eleven tickets on this (that I know about) since January.
Same thing every week. They usually tell me the ticket number and that the advanced tech support guys will get back with me soon via email. A day or two later, I'll get the email. It will tell me how to set up a document or email and type in my UN and PW and then copy/paste it into my Quicken when setting up a new account. Because that's the problem with CC-503...I obviously don't know how to type a PW correctly.
It's like hitting your head against a wall.
I wish one of the advanced guys would call me and I'd set up a screen share. Maybe we could find the problem.
Again, I've had Quicken since 1996 and this by far the most frustrating problem I've had.
And, this is ONLY a problem with EWC. My accounts with EWC+ and Direct Connect work perfectly. I have 20 EWC accounts total in three different files. And they all have the same problem. I've also tried different Windows computers...installed Quicken and logged in with my Quicken UN and PW. Same result. So it's not my computer.
Updating 20 accounts manually every day is getting old.0 -
@jrgator I sympathize with you. I'm in exactly the same situation. Have been using quicken since the 90's. Ever since EWC got rolled out, things have been going downhill. I have the same issue with my Citibank accounts and now Discover. History says this will happen again when I reset another institution's accounts that use EWC with Quicken. For now the only workaround for me is to manually download transactions (OR just plain manual entry and reconcile). I've long resisted moving away from Quicken ... but now ... if I have to manually download my transaction from my major banking sites, might as well get off the boat. That's the way I'm heading. Good or bad, I just purchased another year so I've got 16 months of a paid Quicken subscription remaining. :-(
This should be a priority 1 or severity 1 issue with Quicken support but apparently, it's not.....0 -
@jrgator The last resort would be for me to start fresh with a new Quicken subscription with a different quicken ID. If that fails to add Citibank or Discover accounts, then Quicken is truly BROKEN. Like you, I've tried setting up test files to no avail. Perhaps switching to a brand new Quicken ID account might work.0
I found an old comment in my Quicken Notes:
In case of CC-501, 503, 506 errors from a single bank
deactivate all accounts with this bank using the same bank logon ID, including any old, long closed, hidden and forgotten accounts that might still be activated. If you miss one, the aggregation server involved in handling Express Web Connect - connected accounts will not start with a clean slate and you will continue to have problems. When done deactivating, restart Quicken and reactivate accounts using the Add Accounts dialog ("+" icon in the Accounts Sidebar title).
Please try this and let us know if it worked.
Thanks.0 -
Thanks for the suggestion!
I have done this and checked all of the old accounts. ALL of my old accounts are closed, balance zero, and NONE of them have active downloads.
My problem is not multiple accounts from one institution. For example Discover.
My problem is over 20 accounts from MANY financial institutions. EVERY account I have that uses Express Web Connect for transaction downloads stopped working in January of 2023.
Every account I have that uses Express Web Connect+ works fine.
Every account I have that uses Direct Connect works fine.
If the financial institution, wether it's a credit card or savings or checking, will give me a CC-503 EVERY time when I try to set up an EWC.
I've explained this to over 10 different Quicken Tech Support agents. They all do the Screen Share thing, watch me try, make the same suggestions over and over, but so far, no one has been able to come up with a fix. It's like they don't believe me because CC-503 is such a simple and routine problem that is caused by my typing an incorrect PW. If that's the case, why do all my EWC+ and Direct Connect's work fine? I can type those PWs fine but I must be a total idiot with EWC PWs.0 -
I just saw your posts. I feel better now that I know I'm not alone.
I think you're on to something with the Quicken Login. That's the only thing I can think of that could cause this because the error pops up with test files. And I've used different computers as well with no help.
All of my files use the same Quicken credentials. So I need to transfer my account to another user name ... is what I thinking might work.0 -
Well, I finally got it fixed!!!!! Can't believe it.
I was doing my 4 mile "walk" 2 days ago and all I could think about was this problem with not being able to set up ANY of my 20 accounts that use EWC (Express Web Connect). There had to be something in common. Since I'd tried different computers, different files, set up "test" files, etc, etc. The one thing that was always the same was my Quicken Account user name and PW.
I called the Quicken desk for new accounts yesterday. Opened a new account (just like being a new customer) and paid for it. It just required a new email address which was easy. Then I closed my old account.
Opened my main file and logged in with my new Quicken account.
Went to my first financial institution, UN & PW and BOOM, NO CC-503!!!!!!!!!!!!
Logged into all of my EWC accounts and they all work GREAT!
Just so you know, you also have to "Reset Account" with all of your EWC+ accounts and most, if not all, of your Direct Connect accounts. Takes a little time but everything works!!1 -
@jrgator ... WOW!! So I will try this if I can convince Quicken to transfer my remaining months to a new Quicken ID (I've got 16 months remaining on my current ID.
As an aside, I have one more annoying (unable to resolve) issue. I cannot add my Fidelity account with both my wife and my login ID. I can add one login ID, but when I add the other Fidelity login ID, the previous one stops working. This also happens with my two Merrill login ID's.
Maybe a new quicken ID will resolve the latter issue as well..... fingers crossed.0 -
Don't know about the Fidelity issue but the new Quicken account sure fixed my EWC account access.
Good luck!!0