What happened to the attachment paperclip!!!!?

Member ✭✭

Very pleased to view .pdf in the add attachment window.


I can not open the attachment if I want to view it,


Transactions with attachments are no longer marked with a paperclip.


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  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    My paperclips are stil there and I can still open attachments in R49.22. What Quicken version are you running?

    Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.

  • Member ✭✭

    It was updated today to R49.22, but the error was there prior to the update.

    With further testing, .jpg attachments have a paperclip.

    .pdf do not, although the attachment is there if I click where it should be.

    I noticed where there was only a .pdf icon. There now is an actual image of the .pdf file. This add attachment screen is smaller, and I can not open the .pdf to view it larger. Only the attachments I've added today have this problem of missing the paperclip.

    Attachments prior to today have a paperclip, though their screen has now converted into the new view, and they cannot be opened to view. Attachments that are .jpg are the new style screen layout but can be opened.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 2023

    I am using R49.22, Build on Windows 11. Most register entries with attachments have the paperclip icon but some do not. It doesn't matter what type of attachment it is for me. Some are jpg and some are pdf. In one case where the icon displays, I click on it and Quicken crashes.

    This problem is an issue with the application.

    As with a lot of Quicken changes, [Removed - Speculation].

  • Member ✭✭
    YES!! I had the same issue when I tried to open attachments. The program would crash. I sent several crash reports to Quicken, included my email address, and they offered a patch. It no longer crashes, but I still have problems adding, viewing, or losing attachments.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @mitzy said:
    > YES!! I had the same issue when I tried to open attachments. The program would crash. I sent several crash reports to Quicken, included my email address, and they offered a patch. It no longer crashes, but I still have problems adding, viewing, or losing attachments.

    What patch did you get? Is it a release that is available from their web site or something special?
  • Member ✭✭
    It was sent to me in my email.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @mitzy and @MichaelTEck,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue.  I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. When did the issue start happening?  Was there anything that happened just before the issue started, such as a power surge, power outage, update, unexpected program or computer shutdown, etc?  Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or is it on a shared network drive?  Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service, such as One Drive or Dropbox (if it is, you will usually see the service name listed in the file location)? 

    The simplest way to check your file location, if you have Quicken up and the file open, is to click on File, then look near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit.  It will list the file locations for the 4 Quicken files you have most recently accessed, with the one you are currently in at the #1 spot.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Member ✭✭
    When did the issue start happening? Mid-April
    Was there anything that happened just before the issue started,
    such as a power surge? NO, All Equipment is connected to a UPS
    power outage. NO, All Equipment is connected to a UPS
    update? Unknown
    unexpected program or computer shutdown, etc.? Doubtful
    Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive? C Drive
    Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service? NO
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your response,

    Since you mentioned in an earlier post that you already have installed a new update patch and that fixed the crashing, but not the attachment issue, the next step would be to check for file specific issues. Please try validating and/or super validating your data file. First save a backup file prior to performing these steps.


    1. File
    2. Validate and Repair File...
    3. Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    If the issue persists, proceed to Super Validate. If the issue is resolved after performing validation, then please disregard the instructions to Super Validate.

    Super Validate:

    1. File
    2. Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
    3. Super Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    After attaching documents in Quicken (desktop), occasionally the paper clip does not show up to indicate a document has been attached. If I click on the blank box where the icon should be, and click View, the attachment is opened, just like in the entries where the the paper clip icon does show. The attachments are all PDF. This only began occurring with the latest update.

    Windows 10, Quicken Premier version R49.29 Build:



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @rowyatt,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue.  I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Is this happening only with new attachments, or is it randomly happening without regard to how new or old an attachment is? Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or is it on a shared network drive?  Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service, such as One Drive or Dropbox (if it is, you will usually see the service name listed in the file location)? 

    The simplest way to check your file location, if you have Quicken up and the file open, is to click on File, then look near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit.  It will list the file locations for the 4 Quicken files you have most recently accessed, with the one you are currently in at the #1 spot.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Member ✭✭
    I did all the above while working with Quicken chat, forgot case #. Updated Windows> Uninstalled Quicken> Re-Installed> updated >>etc. Still having problems. Uninstalled it again and see what happens. Just cannot add attachments after the first attachment. ADD will not open. Keeping an eye on this thread and hope there is a solution.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @596unit7,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue.  I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. I can see the chat agents had you validate your file, asked about any VPN or firewall that may be causing issues, and recommended disconnecting and reconnecting your scanner. The next step, if you haven't done so already, is to restore a backup from before the issue started and test to see if the issue persists in the newly restored file.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Member ✭✭
    I validated, super validated my file.
    I uninstalled quicken completely, printer, and scanner.
    With the exception of Quicken, printer and scanner were fully functional.
    Restarted my computer and checked that they were all fully removed.
    I disabled antivirus software and turned off VPN.
    (1) I reinstalled my printer, scanner then Quicken Deluxe[R 49.29 Build Win11 Home]
    Without the Mondo Patch and then with the Mondo Patch.
    No difference.
    (2) I uninstalled quicken completely, printer, and scanner.
    Restarted my computer and checked that they were all fully removed.
    I disabled antivirus software and turned off VPN.
    This time I installed Quicken with the Mondo Patch, restarted Windows then printer then Scanner.
    No Difference.
    I have decided to revert back to Windows 10 this weekend because it takes a lot of time.
    I had everything working well except this one problem with Quicken, not allowing the ADD to work.

    There appears to be some freakish connectivity error.
    IF there is anything I missed, please let me know.
    I do not look forward to spending a weekend on restoring my PC to Win 10.
    Thank you,
  • Member ✭✭
    PS- I will restore from backup this weekend before I Restore to Windows 11.
    Thank you,
  • Member ✭✭
    oops Win10..
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I am having a similar problem, but only if I just add one attachment. If I add two or more, the paper clip shows up in the register after I move to another row. If I only have one attachment, the paper clip never shows up in the register, but when I then go to add an attachment to that record, I see that it is there. This began with the change in the appearance of the attachments window. (I've also noticed that if I add one or more attachments to a register entry, when I press enter to save register entry, it does not move to the next entry in the register. I have to use my cursor and select the next entry and respond to the save query. That only occurs if I have added an attachment. If not, then pressing enter saves and moves to the next row as normal. This also began with the new appearance of the attachment window.) I keep my Quicken file on my C Drive, and I do sync to the Quicken cloud and I backup to One Drive. Again, never had any of these issues until I saw the new appearance of the attachment window. I am running version R49.29, Build of Windows 10 Home, Business and Rental Property (see attachment).
  • Member ✭✭
    I am having the same problem. my file is on " C" drive same version r49 v29 I sink to another Drive. Windows 11
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod
    edited May 2023

    Hello All,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached in order to contribute to the investigation.

    While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.

    We apologize for any inconvenience!

    Thank you.

    (QWIN-21962, CTP-6781)

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Member ✭✭
    Done: Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached in order to contribute to the investigation.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hi @Quicken Kristina
    My issue with inconsistent paperclip showing up only happens with new attachments. This is inconsistent as most of the time the paperclip does show after attaching even with one attachment. There does not appear to be any significant difference in file size between attachments that do and don’t show a paper clip. The source files are pdf created by my scanner or downloaded and each type has had the no-paperclip issue.
    I keep my Quicken Data file on an internal hard drive (F:) used only for data. NOT my system C: drive. I do not sync to the cloud or OneDrive. My data drive is not shared.
    I tried deleting the attachment and re-adding it, but no paper clip showed up.
    I did try adding a second attachment , (thanks to @dougbr213 for the idea) to the item and then the paper clip showed up. I then deleted the second attachment and the paper clip stayed.
    I have submitted the issue via Help>Report a problem with log files attached.
    Thank you.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Platform is Windows 11 Home Edition Quicken R49.29 Build 27.149.29

    Since this update I have problems with attachments. All my attachments are PDF. I attach several files at a time. Occasionally I need to delete one and this is where the problem starts. After I delete a file it continues to appear as if no deletion occurred. I have to close and reboot not only the program, but also the computer. It appears that the program locks itself up.

    Also, this update is suppose to show a miniature version of the saved file. That is hit or miss. 90 percent of the time I see an icon appear but without the file information. It appears as if there is an issue whereas the program is taxing the computer memory.

    The only way I can save the entire line entry is to use the save command at the top of the screen. In the past hitting the return key saved the line information and started a new line. This recent upgrade is horrible and this particular portion of the upgrade should be reversed as soon as possible.

  • Quicken Windows Other Member

    I have the exact same issue. Attachments are there but do not always show the paperclip. Makes it impossible to sort by such and I am now always second guessing if I attached files or not.

  • Quicken Windows 2017 Member

    1: Check if your attachments actually saved.

    2: Workaround: Create and save your transaction, then re-open and make the attachment.

    After the R49.22 update, I found I would add attachements with the transaction, but they would not save, and would stay in the input buffer - you go to the next transaction, hit the paperclip, and the last attachment is still there.

    Definitely a bug.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2023
    My problem may be connected. When I attempted to attach a receipt today, although "Add file" and "Add from clipboard" both work, when choosing "Add from scanner," instead of the 3 profiles that have always come up, I suddenly have an empty box; there are no scanner options showing. All of the scan functions in other programs are working correctly so it's not a connectivity issue between my laptop and scanner. I can do a workaround using one of the other scanning programs but am not happy having to navigate many extra steps in order to accomplish what should be a simple process in Quicken.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I also have the same issue:

    I'm still not seeing the "paperclip" attachment on Quicken Premier (Version R49.33, Build Using Windows 11 Home. All updates were made, including Quicken and Window's Updates, syncing to Quicken on the Web etc.

    After I attach my receipts and save the transaction, software usually will NOT show the paperclip icon. However, when clicking the "paperclip" icon again (after uploading receipt copy to line item), can see the receipt screenshot within the "transaction attachments" window OR it will show the "download Adobe Acrobat software" to view the attachment. Thus I know I did upload (or attached the receipt copy) to the line item.

    I notice this when uploading to cloud nearly each and every time since the last software update around early May 2023.

    Below is a "sample" of my issue. All my receipts are "PDF" version. Each line item below will show my attached receipts "regardless" if a paperclip icon displays or not. This makes it a bit irritating. No issues before the recent update from Quicken. Now this is a new issue.

    Quicken developers needs to fix on this.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    yes, experiencing similar issues since update…uff

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Same issue with file attachments not showing the paper clip indicator as well (since update). In my case the issue is intermittent (about 75% of the time it does not indicate the attachment). I have validated, super validated, did the most recent update, moved my data file to the C drive - but nothing seems to work consistently.

    My workaround is, when i notice the missing paper clip icon, I attach the same file again so that I have 2 identical files. I can then immediately delete the duplicate file from Quicken I just attached and save the transaction. This seems to "force" the paper clip icon to show up.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Same - except I'm able to add a random attachment and then remove it. The paperclip shows up afterwards.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same problem but if I add the attachment 2 times the paperclip show up. sometimes it works and shows up other times it doesn't. Close and restart program and sometimes it good for about 4 or 5 scans then the paperclip goes missing but attachment are therer

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