Manually Added Security Stock Split transaction splits all security holdings in all 3 accounts

I do not download transactions from the financial institution. I have 3 accounts with the same financial instiution. In Quicken for Windows, I have a Brokerage account, Tradition IRA account, and a Roth IRA account. I hold the same security in all accounts. Each account has a different number of shares of that security that is to split 1:10 effective 4/21/23. I manually added a 1 for 10 stock split in my Brokerage account along with a memo containing the transaction id and Quicken automatically added a description of that split. That looked great!!
Then, I checked the Tradition IRA account and the Roth IRA account in Quicken. Quicken had performed the split in these two accounts also. However, Quicken carried over the old and new stock quantities, transaction description, and the transaction memo with the transaction Id for the brakerage account from the financial institution. The financial instution has individual transaction id for the stock split for each account. The actual split quantity was calculated correctly but it shows all the information from the spilt in the brakerage account.
I assume if I change the stock split numbers and transaction memo in the Tradition IRA account or the Roth IRA account, Quicken will update the other two accounts with that same information.
How can I record each security stock split for each account with its specific split information?
I'm not sure I'm really following along with you here. You did a split of a stock you own in 3 different Quicken Accounts in one of those Accounts, and that split also took place in the other 2 Accounts, and all the splits were correct. Apparently you put some information in the memo field that was particular to the Account you used to record the split, and that memo information carried over to the other 2 Accounts.
I get a little lost here: "Quicken carried over the old and new stock quantities, transaction description, and the transaction memo with the transaction Id for the brakerage account from the financial institution" but I guess you're saying that you put all that information in the memo field too, like "15 stocks, now 150 stocks, 10 for 1 split, trans ID 1234", or something like that?
I don't think changing the memo field in either of the other 2 Accounts will somehow "ripple through" to the other Accounts. The Quicken Stock Split wizard does its thing when you ask it too, and that's it. It's not monitoring the transactions after the fact, the are just transactions at that point, no different than any other transaction you might have downloaded or entered manually.
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When I entered the first stock split transaction for the brokerage account in Quicken, I input the old stock quantity of 90,000 and the new stock quantity of 9,000 and in the memo field I entered the transaction id from the financial institution for the split and submitted this split transaction. Quicken then also generated the stock split transaction automatically in the IRA account for 1000 old shares and 100 new shares and in the Roth IRA account for 5000 old shares and 500 new shares correctly. However, when I edit/review the stock split transaction information in either the Quicken IRA or the Quicken Roth IRA, the transaction shows old stock quantity of 90,000 and the new stock quantity of 9,000 and the memo field I entered shows the transaction id from the financial institution for the split transaction I entered in the Quicken brokerage acount. Hope clears your uncertainty on what happened.
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Tom Young, I did change the new and old stock quantities and the memo field in the 2 accounts and Quicken did not change the other stock quantities and memos in the other accounts. Thanks0
I assume if I change the stock split numbers and transaction memo in the Tradition IRA account or the Roth IRA account, Quicken will update the other two accounts with that same information.
Tom Young, I did change the new and old stock quantities and the memo field in the 2 accounts and Quicken did not change the other stock quantities and memos in the other accounts. Thanks
Normally (?), the new and old stock quantities would be reported as 1 (new) and 10 (old), rather than 9,000 and 90,000. That is then aplicable for all accounts, but there is nothing fundamentally wrong with using the actual share counts. I confirmed (as you did), that you can enter independent memos on each separate StkSplit transaaction, even though the initial creation is duplicative.
Regarding actual shares versus ratio, it appears Quicken does at times try to be smart about it. If you enter New & Old as 133.33 & 100, Quicken will interrupt and ask if this is really a 4 for 3 split. If you say yes, it enters a a 4 for 3. If you enter 1.3333 & 1, it does not interrupt and applies those at face value. So there may be cicumstances where entering actual shares might yield very slightly different reults that a share ratio, (4 & 3 or 1.33333 & 1, for example). Whatever ratio Quicken ends up determining based on those fileds, it gets applied to all lots.
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q_lurker, I appreciate your follow-up. Entering the stock ratio makes much more sense now that you mention it. I took the words new/old shares literally. Certainly, a help icon next to new/old shares explaining to enter split ratio in the two fields could be useful, especially for those, as myself apparently, who just try it only to resort to researching and reading the directions/instructions later. Thank you.0
"New shares" and "Old shares" sure does sound like you should enter the actual share counts. But if you click on the question mark at the bottom left of the Stock Split entry, it says
- New shares and Old sharesEnter the ratio of new shares to old. For example, if the stock split is 2-for-1, enter 2 in the New Shares field and 1 in the Old Shares field.
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