Issues with Reconcile

I have been using various versions of Quicken for decades and have a problem I cannot seem to correct. It started with the most recent update.
In the past, if a downloaded transaction initiated on the last day of the month but cleared the bank the first day of the following month, reconcile still recognized the transaction. Occassionally, I might have to manually move the date back a day, but it always showed up in the reconcile window after editing.
Since the last update, all items on the cusp are showing in the following month. The old trick of manually moving the date back is no longer working. The only way I can get items to show in reconcile is to delete and manually re-enter the transaction.
Has anyone else had this issue? It is getting cumbersome. I just spent 40 frustrating minutes with support only to realize she was only able to give copy/paste responses.
I am using Quicken Home Business & Rental Property for Windows. The issue occurs across all banking institutions.
While I have your attention, I have also noticed is that sometimes it dowloads transactions twice… has anyone seen this?
Thanks, Maxine
Hello @MaxineInSC,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Based on your summary here and what was documented when you reached out to our chat support, manually changing the date of a transaction in your register does not cause it to show up in your reconcile window for that statement period. I tested and was able to replicate the issue in my Quicken as well.
We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached in order to contribute to the investigation.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.
Are the transactions that get downloaded twice the same ones that you're having to delete and recreate when you reconcile? If not, is there any specific financial institution this is happening with?
We apologize for any inconvenience!
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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