Editing recurring Paycheck issue



  • GiantYank
    GiantYank Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Was on with Quicken support and they had me validate and super validate my files. They also ensured I was at the latest and great version (R54.9 Build I even sent him to this page to see that many people are having the issue and it has been reported since at least May of 2023. He had me go to Help - Report a Problem as was suggested here by Kristina - and even though I told him that this has been reported already, I had to do it again. I had him control my screen and walked him through the issues as well. He is supposedly working with the support team to investigate this. I also ensured that they are aware that when you input a reminder it does not go away until you hit skip - as mentioned here. Fingers crossed, but I'm not holding my breath….

  • GiantYank
    GiantYank Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Just FYI - my ticket number with Quicken support is 10756047

  • GiantYank
    GiantYank Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Just FYI - my ticket number with Quicken support is 10756047

  • Panic
    Panic Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Still an issue.

  • ghclark
    ghclark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Only two months to the one-year anniversary of this being reported…LOL. Seriously Quicken, this is really annoying. When is this going to be fixed? @Quicken Kristina

  • jdcq
    jdcq Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I may have resolved this by deleting and recreating my paycheck reminders. Make sure to use the Paycheck Wizard when recreating the paycheck reminders.

  • Same issue all year long. Ridiculous.

  • matt7796
    matt7796 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    It has been almost a year with multiple updates released without this issue being resolved. What is going on Quicken? Time to start looking for different software.

  • Thetaz01
    Thetaz01 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    <BUMP> still a problem Marck 2024!

    Come on quicken!

  • Thetaz01
    Thetaz01 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Hey Everyone still experiencing this

    I did find a work around.. A PITA!! but a work around none the less!

    SO it appears, if you re-enter the paycheck using the paycheck wizard from scratch..

    ONCE ENTERED< it then does allow editing properly again!

    when you click on edit all future instances, it re-opens the Wizard again!
    i mean, i guess its better then NOT being able to edit it..
    and then it does appear after that you will be able to edit from THAT point forward..

    i tried it just now with a "TEST" depost check.

    When i get paid this friday, im going to delete my current paycheck and TRY THE wizard with my check and see what happens..