Not connecting to Paypal CC?



  • John Rocke
    John Rocke Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2023

    [Removed - Off Topic/Rant]

  • angry_user
    angry_user Member ✭✭
    Some additional info. I can't connect either. I do use 2FA. One interesting thing is that I have two methods, an authenticator app and sms. When I try to connect it properly asks which one to use. When I say authenticator app, it accepts the choice but then apparently tells paypal to send an sms code because i get one immediately. That code works and the authenticator code does not even tough I specified authentcator app and not sms. Unfortunately it still fails as noted above.
  • Birdman24
    Birdman24 Windows Beta Beta
    edited June 2023

    I have the same problem and have had it off and on for the past two years. Quicken Support is of no use unless you push them to open a ticket with Level 2 support. Even then, you don't get any notification of problem being resolved. My solution is to quit using Paypal credit card and instead use of the few credit cards that I typically do not have issues with.

    [Merged Post]

  • rowlf914
    rowlf914 Member

    Same issue here….last time PP Credit updated was 4/30 when interest was applied. Please help!!!

  • John Rocke
    John Rocke Member ✭✭✭

    It’s really a shame as PayPal MC is my primary credit card and having to manually add transactions to stay current really sucks!

  • Charlie Davies
    Charlie Davies Member ✭✭✭

    I agree and to make matters worse, PayPal doesn’t even supply a QFX export option, just csv.

  • mrpaley1
    mrpaley1 Member ✭✭✭

    Same observations

  • Charlie Davies
    Charlie Davies Member ✭✭✭

    PayPal has always been problematic as it relates to Quicken. We chose that card for its 2% cash back and no annual fee. Given this latest incident, we are awaiting the arrival of a Wells Fargo Visa card with the same benefits. Hopefully the Wells Fargo relationship with Quicken is more stable.

  • John Rocke
    John Rocke Member ✭✭✭

    Paypal Credit is also effected so it's not just the credit card that is having a problem.

  • Lorenzo
    Lorenzo Member ✭✭
    having the same error as well... the error message " its not your fault....." please advise.
  • Hoserred58
    Hoserred58 Member ✭✭

    This is the same situation that I am running into.

  • John Rocke
    John Rocke Member ✭✭✭

    I was just able to re-add my Paypal accounts into Quicken and previous transactions that I had entered manually have downloaded.

  • Charlie Davies
    Charlie Davies Member ✭✭✭

    I tried at 7:30 this morning to add out PayPal MC to Quicken. Same error as previously reported.

    Tried again at 8:02. Success!

  • Tonester62
    Tonester62 Member ✭✭

    Worked for me on the second attempt as well to re-add PayPal MC, after I exited Quicken and re-launched it. It downloaded transactions for the last 12 days since the problem occurred!

  • Quicken Janean
    Quicken Janean Moderator admin

    Hi All, Can you please try again as this is being reported as resolved? Thanks!

    Quicken Janean

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Hoserred58
    Hoserred58 Member ✭✭

    I too was just able to re-add my Paypal accounts into Quicken and previous transactions that I had entered manually have downloaded.

  • Birdman24
    Birdman24 Windows Beta Beta

    @Quicken Janean - I was able to add back my Paypal Mastercard account in both my production and beta versions of Quicken. I then successfully downloaded the transactions from the period that the connection was broken. Hopefully, the next time this occurs, it can be resolved in a matter of hours instead of weeks.

  • wildbill
    wildbill Member

    Any update on this? Big company cant get a connection to another big company? Come on this issue been going on for months and months.

  • RJQkn
    RJQkn Member ✭✭

    This is still an issue and the the alert has not been updated in almost 2 months. Can we get an update from somebody at Quicken. Are you still actively working this issue or has it been put on the back burner?

  • Joseph
    Joseph Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    I was able to add my credit card account, not my savings account, back to Quicken a few weeks ago. A few days ago during transaction downloads Quicken started asking for a PIN code sent to my phone from Paypal that never arrives. I have never had an issue getting PIN codes from Paypal directly. I tried removing the download setup and start over but the same PIN code issue is preventing me from reestablishing the Paypal accounts. Quicken has gone silent on this issue for over two months. Absolutely horrible customer service.

  • SoopaNtz
    SoopaNtz Member ✭✭

    I have the same problem. Quicken requests a one-time code, but PayPal doesn't send it. (Or, if they do, it never arrives. Other requests for the one-time code — e.g. when trying to edit a profile — arrive just fine.)

  • AliGky
    AliGky Member

    Same here. Quicken requests a one time code sent to my phone but I don't receive it or get an error. Is there an ETA on a resolution?

  • SoopaNtz
    SoopaNtz Member ✭✭

    I had the same problem. Now, Quicken just tells me that it can't connect to PayPal Credit.

  • ssllii
    ssllii Member ✭✭✭

    Any update on this issue?

  • angry_user
    angry_user Member ✭✭

    It's not working again. CC-501 for paypal credit and paypal master card

  • SoopaNtz
    SoopaNtz Member ✭✭
    edited September 2023

    I can now connect to PayPal Credit through Quicken, but it's necessary to go through the process of selecting and submitting a phone number and then waiting for a one-time code. It's kind of a hassle, but at least it works. (The same thing goes for my Micro Center credit card through Wels Fargo.) [Removed - Sarcasm]

    Like I said, though, at least it works.

  • Joseph
    Joseph Member ✭✭✭

    I was finally able to connect to the Paypal credit card. The PIN code came through for the first time. Hopefully, the connection will last this time. Still not able to connect to Paypal savings.

  • Joseph
    Joseph Member ✭✭✭

    I spoke too soon. Now back to the same problem with the PIN code not coming through to my phone. Ridiculous.

    LPSJR Member

    Same issue on my end. When connect to paypal it only allows the main PayPal/checking account (when click the paypal link). Does not show any other accounts (PayPal Credit, PayPal Mastercard Cashback), even though those accounts show up under one main PayPal login. When click the other link (when click the paypal credit/mastercard link) then there is an error (see pic attached for the error).

  • nmeyerz
    nmeyerz Member ✭✭

    Have been having the issue where Quicken was not connected to Paypal. This week started receiving the "Paypal needs more information to connect. Please select an option:" Tried selecting confirm in app and confirm via text. Neither works and just continues to loop. Has anyone found a resolution to this one?

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