Are You Having Schwab Download Problems?

Hello @hugh_mul,
Thank you for reaching out to the Quicken Community.
Due to the extent of the issues that you are experiencing with Charles Schwab, we recommend contacting Quicken Support directly as an escalation may be in order.
The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.
I do apologize that we could not be of more assistance.
-Quicken Jasmine
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Having same issue, where one of my schwab accounts is not downloading and I have to reauthorize schwab over and over. No answer was provided here, so what was the solve please?
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No solution Tony, still having same problem. I dread having to call Quicken. Looking for them to email answer to me.
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Hello @Tony Sadler and @hugh_mul,
Just so you are aware, Quicken does not offer support via email. However, you may utilize Quicken Support directly via call or chat.
I hope this clears things up!
-Quicken Jasmine
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I have had to reauthorize schwab at least 15 tims monthly on several accounts. This is getting ridiculous. Now it simply will not download transactions again. I have spent at least 20 hours with online help from Quicken in the past 6 months. It works for a while, then it stops downloading, and I am not aware for several weeks sometimes. This is terrible. Useless. I have been with Quicken for 20 years and this is the worse ever.
If there was any other program that did this, I would be gone in a heartbeat.
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Also unable to download Schwab transactions. In one case, it will download transactions of one Schwab into an old eTrade account that has been closed for 10+ years. In another case, it wants to reauthorize a USAA account through the Schwab authorization site. Its been time consuming and frustrating for several months. Quicken support has had not useful suggestions. I do not think they know how to fix the problems. I have used Quicken for 25+ years. If I cannot download my transactions from my financial institutions, Quicken is useless for me. I will not be renewing my subscription.
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Just a question for Quicken Management.
Are you working on a solution which will return Quicken to its former self in downloading data from Schwab?
Is the issue so complex that you have to rework most of the Quicken software?
I began using Quicken 23 years ago and have been a user ever since.
I have 5 Schwab accounts which I need to update daily. It takes about 30 minutes to navigate the work-around process and have been doing so successfully for a couple of months.
I'm sitting here this morning beginning my daily 30+ minute routine of updating my "Master Financial Records" - "QUICKEN" I wonder how many loyal Quicken customers are doing the same and how many total hours are being spent on this issue.
It would be comforting to know if Quicken management is working on this problem, or if it is not economically feasible for Quicken.
How about a response?
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As a user speaking to a user, you should be aware that we are fellow Quicken users just sharing information on this forum. This is not really a Quicken tech support (or Management) site. For help with issues, you should contact Quicken Support. There is a link in the Help menu.
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I too have been using Quicken for 20+ years for Schwab downloads, during which time many new features have been added. Some break features that have worked for years, and I doubt users were clamoring for them. "Sometimes better is the worst enemy of good enough."
The broken feature of the day is duplicate bond Buy transactions downloaded from Schwab on successive days. I really wish Quicken would focus on making the platform stable rather than loaded with cosmetic improvements.
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My problem with Schwab is SWGXX & Cash are added together, for a combined total. It used almost daily in the 5 accounts have.
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can not get my schwab investments into quicken. Looks like quicken does not care so I will look elsewhere.
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Same problem…..I keep having to revalidate Schwab accounts.
I maintain quicken on 2 computers….home and travel. I wonder if the problem is related to update requests coming from more than one computer on an account?