Crypto Prices Not Updating

J Dayton
J Dayton Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I've duly loaded all my crypto's with the appropiate "^" symbol, e.g. "^BTCUSD" but NONE of the prices are ever updated. Stock prices work just fine. I've waited this long to report it hoping an interim bug fix would fix it. Anyone else not having success with Crypto price updates?


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @J Dayton,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this.

    If you haven't already, I suggest you try signing out of your data file completely and then signing back in to refresh the registration token for your Online Connected Services. However, I do recommend that you first save a backup file prior to performing these steps.

    1. Navigate to Edit
    2. Preferences...
    3. Quicken ID & Cloud accounts
    4. Click Sign in as a different user (or it might say Sign in using a different Quicken ID)
    5. Follow the prompts to Sign Out
    6. Sign back in using your Quicken ID (email) and password

    Once that is done, see if the issue still continues to persist.

    Hope this helps!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • J Dayton
    J Dayton Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Tried that and it didn’t help. Crypto prices are still NOT updating. Sigh….

  • J Dayton
    J Dayton Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    If it makes any difference, ^AAVEUSD is updating. None of the others are.

  • J Dayton
    J Dayton Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2023

    Well this is very frustrating. Spent over an hour on chat and on the phone only to be told that unless my crytpo's are associated with a financial institution from which I'm getting automatic updates, the prices will not be updated. THAT IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER.

    Crypto's by their very nature are NOT required to be associated with an institution. Add in the fact that after the recent crypto debacle, many people have moved their crypto's to offline wallets that have NO association with any institution. I value Quicken because I can see all my investments in one place. It is onerous to have to manually update prices for over 40 crypto's on a daily basis.

    Quicken must have thought about this somewhat as I noticed that ^AAVEUSD is being updated daily but NONE of my other cryptos are. Aave is NOT associated with any institution. It was entered manually like all my other cryptos.

    I'm a retired software architect and I find the whole process of trying to get someone's attention at Quicken to fix this to be extremely frustrating.

  • Quicknator
    Quicknator Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I am truly thrilled to see Q finally implementing some of the crypto functionality they have been promising for years! First, in the security detail view, type the ^ symbol, then the first 3 characters of your trading pair, wait for a moment until you see a list of possible trading pairs, then choose the correct one for you, for example, ^BTCUSD.

    For those of you having difficulty updating quates after finding the correct xxxyyy crypto trading pair, check to see if your security listing for each one is correct and box is checked for downloading transactions. I add them all to the watchlist as well. Before this functionality was added, I had previously created my own Crypto security type and asset class, so just to make sure, I chose "other" for each of my existing ones, then did my updates, then changed it back to "crypto" for both. I noticed after choosing "crypto," security type, the symbol field greyed out, but it doesn't seem to affect the ability to download prices.

    Please also note that after you update, you may want to edit the security name that automatically populates after looking up your symbol. I added "^" to the beginning of each security name so all my crypto is listed first in the "security list." Your "security list" may need to be refreshed to reflect the changes - just search for something different, then search for all of your "^" type securities and you should see all the changes you made. Make sure to download "historical" prices as well as the regular update. Do it for each individual crypto untill you get the historical prices. If you don't already have transactions for the security, it may not download all the price history - I'm not sure why, but that has always been an issue for me with the investment quote downloads.

    Q SUGGESTIONS: The next step I hope Q adds is daily volumes, high/low/close, and greater than 8 decimal transactions. 16 would be awesome, 32 even better! Thank you, Q! Finally!

    I hope this helps you all. Best wishes! See attached pic for correct "Security List" setting examples.

  • J Dayton
    J Dayton Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Well I checked everything. It is still only updating ^AAVEUSD with the addition today of ^UNIUSD. This interestingly represents the first and last, in alphabetical order, Active Crypto positions I hold. I previously held ^YFIUSD but have subsequently liquidated that position.

This discussion has been closed.