Republic Bank & Trust - cannot update account

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I got that red circle with a slash through it and could not update my account. I verified that I could enter my account online, but I had to create a new password for some reason. I deleted the online account and could not re-establish it. Is this similar to the problem with Discover Bank???


  • Moderator mod

    Hello @westelsdon,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    Could you please elaborate and provide further details on what exactly happens when you attempt to re-establish the account? Do you receive any specific error code(s) and/or message(s) that you can provide us with here, please?

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I only got a red circle with a slash thru it alongside my account and a notice in the post-update window that said it looked like the account had been closed and that no transactions or records could be found. I think I got a CC-600 error message. I removed the link to the online account and tried to relink, but nothing happened.

    I called Republic Bank & Trust and eventually got thru to a web guru who fairly quickly homed in on Republic having a "block" on my account as far as Express Connect was concerned. I changed my online password and while I could access my online account, I could not relink until the guru said that I needed to use my Express Connect password (not the password I use when going to Republic via a browser) when trying to relink from within Quicken. Luckily, I had stored that password away and after retrieving and using it, Express Connect simply worked. I have been able to use Express Connect since.

    The relinking process within Quicken doesn't mention the need for an Express Connect password when trying to re-establish a link, so that might be something you might want to include as a comment within the dialog for relinking. On the other hand, I don't recall trying to do a relink for other financial institutions where I am using Express Connect, so I cannot say with certainty that every institution's process would be identical to Republic's.

    One last thing. The Republic guy had no idea why that block had been put in place. Neither of us could say if the issue was caused by Quicken or Republic. Either way, Republic quickly was able to pinpoint the cause on their end and remedy it.

    I hope this helps. Drop me a line if you want to discuss further.

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