Reset Accounts and now old Transactions Keep Downloading

I have the same problem. I have tried signing off and signing back in again. No help.
I have tried resetting several of the accounts that are having the problem. Again, not fixed and now I have a new problem: old transactions keep getting downloaded on the reset account and I have to keep deleting them.
The other accounts still won't update and I'm afraid to reset them and get the old transaction problem for all of them.
[Removed - Rant] Not sure what to do, but this is a huge problem for me.
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Hello @svizzini,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. When did this issue with old transactions downloading after an account reset start? Which financial institution(s) is this happening with?
When did the issue with accounts not downloading start? Aside from logging out/into Quicken and attempting to reset an account, have you done any other troubleshooting? Which financial institution(s) is not downloading?
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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I installed the latest updates a few days ago and transactions are now downloading as expected. However, the One Step Update Summary only shows quotes updated. It does not show any of the accounts updated like it used to. That's a minor problem that I can ignore for now. (Was this an intended change?)
Now, for the account that I reset trying to debug the download problem, the old transactions continue to get downloaded. I manually delete them from the Downloaded transactions tab and a few days later, they come back. Just now in fact.
The account is a HELOC with Hancock Whitney bank. Fortunately, I don't have a lot of transactions to deal with in this particular account. I'm just glad it's not a checking account.
What do you recommend? Reset the account again? Accept the downloaded transactions and delete the originals? Thanks!
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Thank you for your reply,
Are the originals manual entries or were they downloaded from the financial institution?
I recommend that you backup your Quicken file, then either match the duplicate transactions to the originals or delete the originals and see if the issue persists.
If the issue persists, the next thing is to check the Downloaded ID to see if the duplicate transactions are coming in with a different ID or not. That column is not visible by default, so to be able to add it to your register, go to the Settings gear at the upper right, select Register Columns, then put a checkmark next to Downloaded ID and click Done.
If the Downloaded ID is different on the duplicate transactions, that may indicate that something on the financial institution side is causing the issue. If the Downloaded ID is the same, that may indicate a file specific issue.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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Thanks for this tip. I enabled the Downloaded ID in the register and after poking around found that all the duplicates already in the register were manual entries. I have a tendency to do that when I draw from my HELOC. I also frequently reconcile so I can keep track of daily interest. So it's possible that I simply deleted the downloaded transactions instead of matching them since the transactions were already reconciled. That could explain why this particular account is causing trouble.
I'll be making a payment in a day or two and then we'll see if the problem is resolved. Thanks again!
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This problem has been solved for me. It was a combination if my entering transactions manually and then deleting downloaded transactions that matched (to keep my original manual entry). Is this considered a user error?
Resetting the account triggered the downloading of what I considered the duplicates.
I deleted the manually entered transactions and accepted the downloaded transactions. Now everything is back to normal. Thanks for helping me identify the transactions by adding the Downloaded ID column.
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Thank you for your response,
I'm glad to hear the issue is resolved. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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