How do I change income/bill reminders from clock auto symbol to pencil uncleared?

The clock auto does not appear to clear when I download the transaction from the bank while the pencil uncleared does. I then have to delete that clock auto instance manually so as to have correct balance information.
When I use Pay Check Manager or Bill/Income Tool I get the clock auto, not the pencil uncleared symbol. Is it possible to have future reminders automatically entered as pencil uncleared?
Best Answer
Hello @vmh321,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community. The clock icon indicates that it is a reminder rather than an actual transaction. You can click on that clock icon and enter it into the register (or skip it, edit it, or delete it, as appropriate).
Once its entered into the register, then you should see the icon change to the uncleared/red pencil icon.
Alternatively, when you are creating or editing a reminder, in the Optional Settings, by default, its set to remind 3 days in advance, but you can set it to automatically enter the transaction into the register.
When you click the change link, it'll bring up a window that lets you choose whether to have it remind you or auto enter, and when.
If you set it to automatically enter, then it should be putting that transaction into your register the specified number of days before the due date.
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
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Hello @vmh321,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community. The clock icon indicates that it is a reminder rather than an actual transaction. You can click on that clock icon and enter it into the register (or skip it, edit it, or delete it, as appropriate).
Once its entered into the register, then you should see the icon change to the uncleared/red pencil icon.
Alternatively, when you are creating or editing a reminder, in the Optional Settings, by default, its set to remind 3 days in advance, but you can set it to automatically enter the transaction into the register.
When you click the change link, it'll bring up a window that lets you choose whether to have it remind you or auto enter, and when.
If you set it to automatically enter, then it should be putting that transaction into your register the specified number of days before the due date.
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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Thanks for the quick answer. It works. My confusion was that I tend to me literal. When I read "automatically enter transaction", I expected to see a ready for a "entered not yet matched" transaction.
Victor vmh321
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Thank you for your response,
I'm happy to help. Feel free to reach out if you need more assistance.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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