Old Paychecks Disappearing unable to reconcile

For months now, I have been trying to reconcile my checking account. The balance is way off. I have found that old paychecks 4+ years ago are missing and/or entered on wrong dates, some with the incorrect amounts, etc. I see that many people have posted similar issues. Now when I try to reenter the paychecks by coping them, they seem to disappear of entering them. What is happening to the transactions that I am copying into the register. I think I entered the same Paycheck over 10 times now, to find that has disappeared again.
Quicken you need to resolve this issue. It has been going on for way too long. I have been a customer since the very beginning. It is not getting to the point that it is just not worth using this software due to it being unreliable. There is no reason for past transactions to be modified in anyway, especially being deleted.
Please contact me if you need any information to get this issue resolved.
If I don't hear from you, I will not be renewing my subscription.
Hello @wi_muggs,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Was there anything that happened just before this issue started, such as deleting a paycheck reminder, editing a paycheck reminder, a power surge, power outage, update, unexpected program or computer shutdown, etc? Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or is it on a shared network drive? Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service, such as One Drive or Dropbox (if it is, you will usually see the service name listed in the file location)?
The simplest way to check your file location, if you have Quicken up and the file open, is to click on File, then look near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit. It will list the file locations for the 4 Quicken files you have most recently accessed, with the one you are currently in at the #1 spot.
You mentioned that you first noticed this due to a reconcile issue that had been going on for months. Do you recall when the issue first started? Do you recall which version of Quicken you were using when the issue started?
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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Hi Quicken Kristina, I do have my data files on "OneDrive". The issue must have started in early February as I have not been able to reconcile my Checking account since February 3rd.
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Thank you for your reply,
It is recommended that you keep your main Quicken file directly on your C drive rather than synced with OneDrive. You can review this article, if you'd like more information.
For this kind of issue with paychecks, the recommended action is to restore a backup from before the issue started and turn off cloud sync in the restored file. To turn off cloud sync, go to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web, and make sure the switch is in the Off Position.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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So if I am using the Paychecks, I can't sync to the Mobile & Web. Why would the syncing to Mobile & Web cause an issue? And if it does, why don't you fix it. These are features that I would like to use.