Quicken OL-233-A error when downloading Metro Credit Union

sharona Member ✭✭

When I attempt to One Step Update or Download Traction, I receive an error with Metro Credit Union. The error code I receive is OL-233-A. This has been going on for months. It works for all my other financial institutions.


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    edited 2023 22

    Hello @sharona,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this and for not having received a response yet.

    If you don't mind, I'd like to start off by having you create a new (test) file to see if you experience the same issue in a new file as well. In doing so, we will be able to determine if this is caused by an issue within your data file or a potential bug within the Quicken program.

    Follow the steps below to create a test file:

    1. Choose File menu > New Quicken File.
    2. Select New Quicken File.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Don't use any of these characters: * ? < > | " : \ / (asterisk, question mark, left and right-angle bracket, pipe, straight quotation marks, colon, BACKSLASH, FORWARD SLASH). Also, don't add the .qdf extension; Quicken does that for you.
    5. Sign in with your Quicken ID (if prompted). If you are prompted to create a Quicken ID, click Sign In under the Create Account prompt. 
    6. Select to not use Mobile (if prompted).
    7. Click Add Account and try adding the account you were unable to update in your original file.

    After that, see if you are experiencing the same problem in this test file. From there, you can then switch back to your original file. 

    Follow the steps below to switch files:

    1. Click the File menu.
    2. Look near the bottom of the options list.
    3. Select the data file you want to open. 

    Quicken will list the most recently opened data files, with a checkmark next to the file you are currently viewing.

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • sharona
    sharona Member ✭✭

    It added each of my metro west credit union acount however it would would not sync the transactions. I received the same message that I did in my other quicken file.

    Thank you,

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Thank you for following up!

    Since the result is the same in the test file, this does confirm that this is an issue within the server. We advise contacting your financial institution directly first for assistance. It may also be helpful to ask to speak with their escalations department as they may be more familiar with Quicken inquiries than their frontline agents would be.

    We apologize for any inconvenience! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • sharona
    sharona Member ✭✭

    I have contacted Metro Credit Union and they had this is a quicken problem and they do not support it or troubleshoot these issues.

This discussion has been closed.