One Step Update Taking Longer and Longer

I have 17 accounts (nine banks) set up in my Quicken. Running One Step Update is taking longer and longer… sometimes three to five minutes to complete. Occasionally it is quick, but that is rare. Three to five minutes is not acceptable.
I recognize that your response will likely be this is due to the bank servers response time and not a Quicken issue, but, well, I pay Quicken for the service. I expect better from Quicken, and I would suggest Quicken expect better from the banks!
Quicken Premier for Windows, R51.12, Windows 10
Hello @Dave Kacoroski,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. It might be due to the financial institution server response time, but there can be other causes. When did the issue first start? Which version of Quicken were you using when the issue started? Was there anything that happened just before the issue started, such as a power surge, power outage, update, unexpected program or computer shutdown, etc? Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or is it on a shared network drive? Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service, such as One Drive or Dropbox (if it is, you will usually see the service name listed in the file location)?
The simplest way to check your file location, if you have Quicken up and the file open, is to click on File, then look near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit. It will list the file locations for the 4 Quicken files you have most recently accessed, with the one you are currently in at the #1 spot.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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