Kohls store card and Discover stopped downloading

Recently downloads from Kohls Store Card stopped working. Attempts over the last week to repair and now add setup continue to fail. When it attempts to find my account at Kohls it spins for a few seconds and then disconnects. Message says Sorry. We encountered an error. (It's not your fault.)
Can't connect to Discover Bank accounts and now Kohls. What is going on and why is it taking so long to fix (Discover Bank has been 2 months.)?
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Hello @bcsteves,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Have you been getting any error messages or error codes? If not, could you please provide more detail what is happening when they are failing to update? Also, there are known connection issues with those financial institutions right now. You can use this link to view the alert for Kohls and this link to view the alert for Discover.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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The Kohl's error is widely known as seen by other threads, however, there has been no actual update for weeks. Quicken, can you provide the status so we all know what is going on?
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Thank you for your reply,
Once available, updates are posted to the Community Alert. If you would like to be notified of updates, please click the bookmark ribbon located in the upper right. If you do not see the bookmark ribbon, please make sure that you are signed into the Quicken Community.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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When trying to re-link to Kohls', you are going to Kohls.com.
When I access my Kohls credit card I use credit.kohls.com.
Could this be the reason Kohls transactions are not being downloaded anymore?
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Same issue on my end with the Kohl's credit card download. It has been ongoing now for more than one month!
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You can add me to the long list of frustrated users who can no longer reach Kohl's via Quicken. Things like this have always been fairly infrequent and fixed by the Quicken techs pretty quickly. I've been using Quicken with my Kohl's account for years with no problems. I noticed it a few days ago but according to users on here, the issue has been active for weeks. Has anyone here seen the Quicken people acknowledge it's a problem they're actively working on?
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they acknowledged the problem some time ago and said they would let us know when they had a solution. I have not been able to download from them for 5 weeks. No news when it will be fixed
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Thanks for the timely response, Bob. In my experience they've always been able to solve such an issue in a week or so at the most. Strange this one is taking so long.
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After updating my password I can no longer connect to Kohls. Quicken needs to update their link from kohls.com to credit.kohls.com to match the URL for the credit card site vs. the store shopping site.
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I enquired directly to Kohl's customer support and this is the response I received on 7/29/2023
Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding your ability to download your account information to quicken. I appreciate this opportunity to assist you with your inquiry. At this time statement information can only be downloaded in PDF format for your records. We hope to have the ability to download to Quicken available in the future. I appreciate the time you took to contact us and look forward to serving you again.
So it's not Quicken, it's Kohl's dropping support for Quicken.
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Strange wording. They are limiting their response to 'statement information' and not the daily, regular sharing of payment and purchase information. It's almost as if the respondent at Kohl's doesn't understand what we're asking about. I think I'm going to call them up as well and ask the $64K question: Why on earth did they STOP supporting Quicken after all those years they did? I may call Kohl's Corporate and see if they can tell me. Very frustrating. I've got a ton on credit cards and every one of them has a Quicken interface. It's strange that a large company like Kohl's would not support it. On another note, it's hard to believe that when Kohl's made that decision they didn't at least advise Quicken on the technical level of the major change.
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Yet another account that is not downloading into Quicken. I tried today to reset Kohl's before I found the above information. It failed. I had also tried deactivating and reactivating which was also unsuccessful. I am glad I found this thread that explains what is going on. Now, if I could only get help with the Schwab downloads.
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Today I spent several hours to find a Kohl's person who was knowledgeable about IT and our Quicken issue. 'Michelle' related that she was aware of the issue and has received numerous calls from concerned Quicken users. Unlike the person Ikrupp (above) spoke with, Michelle said the Kohl tech people are actively working the Quicken interface problem. Every time she calls them for an update, however, they tell her they're still working the problem and that they're having problems with the Quicken folks. I suggested she ask them what, specifically, they are doing to isolate the problem. She said she'd call me back when she gets an update from them. In the meantime, I think I'll also spend some time talking to Quicken techs to get their side of this. Very frustrating.
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I just spent several hours trying to call a Kohl’s number that connected me with someone who knew what ‘Quicken’ is or was able to connect me with a Kohl’s IT person. I called two ‘Customer Service’ numbers; each took me to the same place where no one knew what I was talking about. When I asked to speak with their supervisor, I found them to be as clueless as the others. Determined (i.e., stubborn), I called the main Kohl’s Corporate number and found that they got me with the same clueless outsourced customer service folks. I’m not sure how, but somehow I hit on an option that got me to ‘Michelle’ who was familiar with what Quicken is and who has been receiving many calls like mine. She said that every time she contacts the Kohl’s IT folks who are apparently investigating the issue she get’s the same ‘We’re working on it’ or ‘Quicken isn’t cooperating’ response. I suggested that the next time she calls to check, she ask, what, specifically, they are doing to resolve the issue. After all, it’s been many weeks since the service failed, while similar problems with financial institutions took less than a week to resolve. She took my contact info and promised to call me back. We’ll see. Bottom line is that this status contradicts the information someone noted on the forum that Kohl’s will no longer support Quicken and, therefore, are not working on a solution. Time will tell, I guess. In the meantime, I think I’ll try to reach someone at Quicken for their part in this.
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I have had a kohls charge card forever and it got along with quicken well enough. I hear that kohls shifted to a credit card deal with capital one. I can’t get quicken to find a kohls charge (store credit account) and capital one doesn’t show a kohls credit card. Kohl’s keeps on taking the charge card, coupons and sale prices so I wait and keep manual books. Nostalgia can be pleasant.
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I have been reporting this error to Quicken since late July '23. I call every 7-10 days, explain the issue, refer the tech to the last ticket #, and always get the same response: "we have no resolution for that problem".
With each call, a new ticket # is issued. That suggests to me no one is actually working a problem in response to an open ticket or perhaps there's no concept of open/closed ticket tracking with fewer open tickets as a performance metric for their support organization.
Before retiring, I had nearly 50 years experience working in technical support for Fortune 500 companies. If the problem is actually being worked, as we are being told, by now they know where the failure is occurring and which organization needs to address it. Automated functions do not work for years as this one has without someone making a change and causing the failure.
If its Quicken's change at the root cause, have the organizational integrity to say so and produce a committed schedule to fully resolve the issue.
If its not Quicken's change at the root cause, say that and provide some means for us to communicate with the correct organizational unit at Kohls so they know their customer base is unhappy with this situation. Otherwise, Kohls will conveniently assume the failure isn't particularly important to any of its customers. Everyone who has tried, and reported their attempt, reports being unable to reach anyone at Kohls who understands the nature of the problem. I expect such calls hit the "trash" fairly quickly after the caller hangs up.
To me, the value-add of Quicken as a product lies chiefly in its ability to easily obtain transactions for all of my financial accounts so I can manage them with less effort. While I'm certainly capable of doing so entirely on my own, I pay Quicken so I do not need to do that. Every failure of this type that isn't promptly resolved, lessens Quicken's value and makes me more circumspect each year when the subscription fee is due.
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I could not agree with you more, ccc1. I'm a retired guy who worked as a government contractor manager for years. Like you, since this problem arose weeks and weeks ago, I've spent a ton of time trying to speak with someone - anyone- on both the Kohl's and Quicken side to press for answers. Were I to have responded to my government customers like Quicken has on this issue (i.e., not following through on a trouble call), I'd have been canned post haste. On the plus side, however, in my many years as a Quicken user I've found that in the past when things like this came up, they would handle it in a matter of days or, at least, in a week or so. I have no idea why this one is any different. Did Quicken change their tech and/or management team? We long-time Quicken users that now have to pay for a service that was for many years free, deserve to get substantive answers to issues like this, and not just 'we're working on it'. Hopefully our comments will somehow get to Quicken upper management.
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Quicken has finally added my Kohl's Visa manged by CapitalOne.
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Well, we've reached the end of another month with no resolution of this problem and no update by Quicken as to the root cause or any progress made in that direction.
[Removed - Speculation]
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Same problem.
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My wife lives at Kohl's, not having access is very impactful to me.