Cannot Setup Online with Home Depot Credit Card

I have tried all the suggestions shown in the community discussion but I cannot set up the online webconnect for my Home Depot Credit card.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?
Hello @rleifield,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. How long has this been going on for? Which version of Quicken were you using when the issue started? Is this a commercial card or a personal card? Are you getting any error messages when you try to set it up?
There is currently a Community Alert for the Home Depot com Revolving CC; I'd recommend taking a look to see if it applies to your issue.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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I am also unable to set up my Home Depot consumer Revolving credit card in quicken. I get error cc-503. I have checked the bank site and am able to log in with the credentials there with no issue. I am using Version: R52.20 Build Windows 10. I had the card set up but needed to add a 2nd card. Card 1 was working but disconnected it so that i could add the 2nd one since it wasn't allowing the add. now neither works.
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Hello @bkdanner,
Thank you for joining the discussion. There is a known connection issue with Home Depot Revolving CC, but since the error code you are getting is different from the one in the alert, I would recommend following the troubleshooting in this article on error code CC-503.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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I had already tried all the steps from that article, but went through them again today just in case. I do not use Password Vault so left that one out. Same error. Did a validate and repair, closed and restarted Quicken and tried again. Still getting same error
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Thank you for your reply,
To continue troubleshooting this issue, please follow these steps:
- Backup your Quicken file.
- Deactivate all accounts connected to the financial institutions that are having the issue, unless they are under a different login that is not having trouble.
- Check for any hidden accounts that are still trying to connect to those financial institutions. To do this, go to Tools>Account List, then, if you have hidden accounts, there will be a Show hidden accounts checkbox at the lower left. Scroll through the Account List, looking for any hidden accounts that think they're connected to those financial institutions (Transaction Download column will say "yes" if an account thinks its connected). If you find any that are connected, deactivate them.
- Before reconnecting anything, go to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web. There should be a blue link that says Reset your cloud data. Click on that link. Note: If you don't see that link, you have sync turned off. You would need to turn the sync on, click OK, then go back to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web. Then you should be able to click on that link. Once the cloud reset is complete, you can turn the sync back off again.
- After the cloud reset completes, go to Edit>Preferences>Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts. There will be a blue link that says Sign in as a different user. Click that link, type "yes", then click the Sign Out button.
- Quicken will log you out and take you back to the login screen. Before logging in, close Quicken and leave it closed for at least 5 seconds.
- Re-open Quicken. When it finishes loading, it will take you to the login screen. Log in to Quicken.
- Once you are logged back into Quicken, reconnect the accounts by going to Tools>Add Account. Search for the Financial Institution and follow the prompts. Do this for each financial institution you need to reconnect. Note: When reconnecting your accounts, it is important to make sure that Quicken is showing the action as Link to existing and the nickname in Quicken is the correct account you want it to download into (see sample image below). If it is showing an incorrect name or if it is trying to add instead of link, click the dropdown in the action column to correct it.
Once your accounts are reconnected, test to see if the issue is resolved.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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i did all of the suggestions you gave, now not only Home Depot is giving the cc-503 error but also my DCU accounts. this is just getting worse!
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Thank you for your reply,
I'm sorry to hear another financial institution is giving you trouble. Which financial institution is DCU? Is this the first time that financial institution has thrown an error, or is it a recurring issue? Are the DCU accounts giving a CC-503 error, or is it a different error code?
You mentioned earlier that you did a Validate on the file, and it didn't help. If you haven't done so already, I recommend doing a Super Validate. Please save a backup file prior to performing these steps.
Super Validate:
- File
- Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
- Super Validate File
- Click OK
- Close the Data Log
- Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
- Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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DCU = Digital Credit Union. yes it was previously working. followed the steps provided and still no resolution. Same 503 error.
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Thank you for your reply,
Since the super validate did not correct the issue, I recommend restoring a backup from before the connection issues with both financial institutions started (if possible). If that is not possible, is too far in the past to be a viable option, or does not correct the issue, please let me know so we can continue troubleshooting.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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