Over a Year Later and the Fifth Third OL-393-A Error Persists

Over a year ago, the OL-393-A error was reported. Numerous complaints had been lodged and comments shared. At one point, I went right to the President of Quicken about the issue. In the end, I was told the issue would be / was resolved.
Well, it has not been. But, there is a caveat. The error continues to show up with every One-Step Update that is done (and I perform one nearly every day). However, transactions are both uploaded and downloaded. So, while the error shows up at the end of every update, the transactions all go through in both directions.
Well, one might ask, what is the concern?
The concern is decensitizing users to errors. If there is no issue, Quicken needs to resolve the continuous population that there is an error. And if there is an error, Quicken needs to get to the bottom of it and resolve it once and for all. Ignoring the problem decensitizes users to error codes and reduces the responsiveness of reporting errors as well as the speed of error resolution. When an error shows up, it deserves attention and prompt attention at that.
Please fix this issue once and for all!
Hello @MSeurat,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. When did this particular issue (the error message displaying, but the account information downloading properly) start? Do you recall which version of Quicken you were using when it started? Was there anything that happened just before the issue started, such as a power surge, power outage, update, unexpected program or computer shutdown, etc? Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or is it on a shared network drive? Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service, such as One Drive or Dropbox (if it is, you will usually see the service name listed in the file location)?
The simplest way to check your file location, if you have Quicken up and the file open, is to click on File, then look near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit. It will list the file locations for the 4 Quicken files you have most recently accessed, with the one you are currently in at the #1 spot.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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