column width changes still not saved

Currently on R51.12 Build Windows 10
Each and every time I edit a transaction, whether it be double-clicking and editing it in the register, or right-clicking and choosing one of the transaction modifiers such as Recategorize, Retag, Rename Payee, Edit Memo, columns reset from where I had them. This results in some columns being wider than necessary (such as date or category or tag) and others too narrow and the text is cut off (such as memo)
Yes, we can now double-click on the header and have them auto-resize, but who wants to do this each time after we edit a transaction? I just want them to stay the width I set them! I've been annoyed by this for years (decades, maybe?) and I thought this finally got fixed??
Before - column widths manually set by the user (me)
After editing a transaction - column widths are reset by software.
Hello @wolverineblaine,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Is this happening only after you've edited a transaction, or does it also happen at other times (such as adding a transaction manually or running One Step Update)? Does this happen for all transactions you edit, or only for certain types of transactions (for example only on deposit transactions or only on split transactions)? When did you first notice this behavior? Which version of Quicken were you using when the issue started?
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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