What Causes Quick Pay to Restrict Payments to Today's Date or Earlier?

Today I reconciled my USAA VISA account and attempted to pay the statement balance using Quick Pay (which I have done in the past). When I select Quick Pay for this account, the Quick Pay pop-up window states that I must select a date of today's date or earlier. That makes absolutely no sense (why would I schedule a payment earlier than today?) - I want to schedule this payment for a future date closer to the Payment Due Date in September.

I noted in this forum that similar instances were reported in the past with JCPenney MasterCard and Citi Bank, so perhaps it's not a USAA/Biller-specific issue. However, there were no definitive fixes in these other posts. Anybody else experience this issue with a Quick Pay Biller and were able to fix it?


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @carlj07,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue.  I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. To start with, I suggest you try to Review and Repair Online billers.  Please save a backup of your data file first. After that, please navigate to the Bills & Income tab and click on the gear icon on the top-right. Then, click on Review and Repair > Review and Repair Online Billers in the dropdown menu.

    Once that is done, see if the issue still continues to persist.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • carlj07
    carlj07 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hello Quicken Kristina;

    Thanks for the suggestion. I performed the Review & Repair Online Billers, exited Quicken, reopened Quicken, and selected Quick Pay for my USAA Visa and it still states that I must select a date of today's date or earlier. That procedure did not fix the issue.

    Of course, I can go to the USAA website and schedule my payment thru them and avoid the issue with Quicken Bill Pay altogether. However, those are extra unnecessary steps to pay a bill when it's supposed to work seamlessly using Quicken Bill Pay.

    I am open to further troubleshooting steps. In the meantime, I'll schedule my payment thru the USAA website.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    I suggest that you try validating and/or super validating your data file.  Please save a backup file prior to performing these steps.


    1. File
    2. Validate and Repair File...
    3. Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    If the issue persists, proceed to Super Validate. If the issue is resolved after performing validation, then please disregard the instructions to Super Validate.

    Super Validate:

    1. File
    2. Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
    3. Super Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.   

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • carlj07
    carlj07 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Quicken Kristina;

    Both the Validate and Super Validate procedures did not fix the issue.

    HOWEVER, while trying to understand the issue further, I unlinked the Biller (USAA Visa) from its manual Bill Reminder I had previously set up for this account a long time ago (prior to Quick Pay). Now that the Biller is unlinked from its Bill Reminder, when I select Quick Pay for my USAA Visa in Quicken Bill Pay, the date restriction issue I reported earlier does not exist. The issue clearly has to do with linking the Biller in Quicken Bill Pay with its related Bill Reminder.

    I do have other Bill Reminders linked to my other related Biller accounts with no issues as I have with this one Biller. Something in this Bill Reminder is causing the date restriction I described in my opening post when the Biller and Bill Reminder are linked.

    For the time being, I will keep the Bill Reminder and Biller unlinked and when I have more time, I'll attempt to troubleshoot further. In the meantime, any suggestions to further troubleshoot the cause of this issue between the Biller and the related Bill Reminder would be welcome.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    I'm glad to hear unlinking from the bill reminder corrected the issue. I would recommend that you backup your Quicken file, then delete and recreate that bill reminder. Once you've recreated the reminder, please try linking it to the online bill again and see if the issue comes back.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • carlj07
    carlj07 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited 2023 28

    I did delete the Bill Reminder as instructed. I also deleted the Memorized Payee entry in the Memorized Payee List as an added step. However, because I scheduled the next payment to my USAA Visa thru the USAA website (to be made closer to the Due Date of 9/14), Quicken will not allow me to enter a Quick Pay payment because an "auto-pay" payment is already scheduled on the Biller's website.

    For now, I will leave everything as it is and when the next payment is processed on or about 9/13, I will then verify that a Quick Pay can be made for my USAA Visa Biller account. I will report my findings here once that is accomplished.

  • carlj07
    carlj07 Member ✭✭✭✭

    OK. The credit card payment I scheduled on the USAA website processed on 9/13. NOW I have a different issue with Quicken and this Biller. The option to use Quick Pay for this Biller is gone. For whatever reason, Quicken has now classified this biller as "Auto Pay" and as such, Quicken does not even give the option for Quick Pay payments for this Biller.

    The Biller is still listed correctly in Manage Online Billers. No payments for this account are scheduled with USAA. View & Repair Online Billers and Payments does not change anything.

    How do I remove the Auto Pay for this Biller and hopefully restore the Quick Pay function?

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    When you scheduled to autopay the last payment at the website, did you select to make only one payment or did you set it up "for this payment and all future payments"?
    Apparently Quicken detects that the biller's website indicates autopay for all future payments.

    Doublecheck the settings on the biller's website.

    Personally, I would recommend you keep the Autopay setting for all payments for full credit card balance at the website and let them debit your checking account automatically every month on due date.
    With that setting in effect, all you have to do every month in Quicken is to verify the correct amount and Enter the transaction into the register BEFORE due date.

    I've been using Autopay for all my credit cards and most of my regular utility payments for many years and haven't missed a payment, even during years when I was traveling frequently without access to Quicken on my desktop computer.

  • carlj07
    carlj07 Member ✭✭✭✭

    The payment in question was only for a one-time payment (I just re-verified that auto-pay is not enrolled in). This is probably another quirk between Quicken and USAA - one issue gets resolved only to create another issue.

    In a separate recent post, I outlined why I'm no longer using Quick Pay, and from now on I'm doing exactly what you suggested. I'm only sacrificing the convenience of scheduling everything thru Quicken, but Quick Pay is proving to be too unreliable for consistent bill payments. I'll schedule payments thru the various utility and credit card websites and enter those into Quicken as they occur!

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