R52.19 crashes - R52.20 is stable

Tested R52.19 today, Have been on R51.12 since its release - its a stable version. Zero issues with R51.12 in terms of crashes. Installed the mondo update, did a test of OSU, everything seemed OK. Then closed and relauched. Asked for password, entered it and Quicken immediately crashed. Launched a second time and this time it worked. The problem is that once Quicken crashes at launch, it will do that more than once from experience and the data file may get corrupted in the process. Rolled back to R51.12. Will wait for next version where the crashes are fixed. This is an FYI that R52.19 is not as stable as R51.12 at least for me.
Same here, had to go back to Aug version
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Hello @whodiini & @rxrodrigues,
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and reporting this crash issue with the new release here, though we apologize that you experienced this.
Our teams are looking into this to further investigate. Did either of you by chance submit a crash report and/or log files?
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
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Data for one of my accounts totally corrupted with multiple old placeholder entries long since matched to actual entries reappearing in register as unreconciled entries with upgrade to R52.19. Hundreds of them. Not sure what to do to fix this.
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I am experiencing no issues with R52.19. Launched it multiple times with multiple data files.
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I, on the other hand, have had R51.12 crash on me multiple times in the last few days, losing work but not realizing it until the receipts were thrown out! File has been validated with issues corrected.
Worried about my dependency on Quicken, lately…
Quicken Classic Premier (Windows) R52.33
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Today I tried to update again, this time I did it inside quicken, and not thru the Mondo update. Previously when it crashed, I restored 51.12 and when I did an OSU, one company all the accounts had the red Slash mark. So I deactivated online update for those accts, did another OSU before updating.
Launched R52.19 and it did not crash. Did OSU OK. Quit and launched again, twice and it did not crash. Wondering if the crash was due to the Quicken server end. Will try for a few days and see what happens.
BTW, tried the new export portfolio feature. It exports into an excel spreadsheet, what you see in portfolio view. Seems to work OK.
Also tried the checkpay feature. My checkpay stopped working after R41.10 and hasnt worked since. Still doesnt work.
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Well I launched quicken R52.19 again and it crashed. Back to R51.12 until the next update
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Anja - if quicken crashes, how can I submit a crash report? Dont I have to be able to launch quicken to submit a report? I just get the windows box that says quicken crashes and asks if I want t o report to microsoft. IF quicken crashes at launch, what is there is send?
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They have a hotfix out that I was offered that supposedly addressed crashes.
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How to get te hotfix??
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It should be offered at end of One Step Update.
If not, it will show up on Update page eventually
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I see the latest update has just been incremented to R52.20, which is probably the hotfix. Trying it out now….
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R51.12 quit on me last week. It worked on this laptop for months, then it quit at the end of August. I've done all the suggestions, uninstall, reinstall, update and nothing works. Quicken is quickly becoming dead to me.
I hope you find a fix.
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R52.20 didnt crash on me the first time opening. Will try out a few days and report back.
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An FYI to those people who have the circle with the slash on some accounts. deactivate and reactivate the account. When you reactivate, the balance may be off, go to the very first (earliest) entry - often it will have added an entry there and you will have to delete it to get the correct balance.
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R52.20 seems to be fairly stable. Kuddos to Quicken for fixing the crashes so quickly.
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Are they still having issues with filtering reports on the memo field as some people have noted here? I am waiting to hear that the memo field issue has been corrected as I have many saved reports that filter on the memo field. let me know.