One Step Update Fails After TD Ameritrade Transferred to Charles Schwab

One Step Update (OSU) was working fine for many years until Sept. 5, 2023 when all TD Ameritrade Accounts were transferred to Charles Schwab. Now when doing a OSU, either individually or by all, Quicken will freeze after 2 seconds. I use Task Manager to close Quicken each time. On the Schwab website, I received a message that ALL accounts have been authorized successfully to Quicken. In Quicken, after a number of tries, the "Add Account" window showed my accounts, with "Action" all say don't add to quicken. They all show they were linked correctly to the new Schwab (name) account in Quicken except one. Which was linked to a Venmo account in Quicken with the same last three digits of the account number.
I'm using a Windows 10 PC. Quicken Ver. R52.20 Build I receive no error measures.
Hello @GLKNY,
Thank you for reaching out to the Quicken Community, though I do apologize that you are experiencing this issue.
Before I can further assist you, I would like to inquire if you reviewed this FAQ and followed the steps to migrate your accounts?
I look forward to your response.
-Quicken Jasmine
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I used directions from a member of the Community (nzeda@) which is almost identical to the ones in FAQ. I didn't close and open Quicken after deactivating the accounts for TD Ameritrade. To add info to my predicament, I am able to use OSU by only asking it update quotes, and not checking off ANY financial institutions. Also, since my first writing, I have done a complete uninstall and install of Quicken, and also used DISM and Scannow on my Windows10 PC. I still have the same issue with OSU.
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My issue has been resolved by customer support. We added the latest Mondo Patch, which didn't hurt, but it didn't resolve the issue. However, I discovered that the Schwab account that was linked automatically to my Venmo account probably because they had the same last three digits was the culprit. After deactivating the Venmo account and I reestablished the Schwab account OSU now works. I told customer support that they should push the issue upstairs because when Schwab looks for compatible accounts in Quicken, it is only looking at the last three digits to make the link; they increase that number to four or five digits.
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Hello @GLKNY,
Thank you for coming back to update us and for sharing the troubleshooting steps that were taken.
We are happy to hear that you were able to reach a resolution with Quicken Support.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any further questions or concerns!
-Quicken Jasmine
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similar problem linking 4 TD Ameritrade accounts to the new Schwab accounts. Schwab assigned new account numbers giving 2 accounts the same last 3 digits. It’s impossible to get both of those accounts linked.
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"Schwab assigned new account numbers giving 2 accounts the same last 3 digits. It's impossible to get both of those accounts linked."
The Schwab account numbers should not matter (*).
I assume you want to link the new Schwab accounts to their old Quicken Ameritrade counterparts (and have deactivated all the old Quicken Ameritrade accounts). If you're not using the Quicken "Add Account" process to download and link the new Schwab accounts, I suggest you do that.
When Quicken presents the new Schwab accounts it "discovered" during the Add Account process, it should give you the option to "Link" each Schwab account to an existing Quicken account.
Quicken will automatically attempt to link newly discovered financial institution accounts to existing Quicken accounts, but Quicken does not always get that link correct. When that happens, the user needs to change Quicken's choice by clicking the dropdown arrowhead in the Add Account dialog "Action" column, hovering the cursor on "Link to an existing account" and selecting the correct existing Quicken account for the downloaded account to link to.
[ (*) If it turns out that the account numbers do matter, there is a slightly different approach that might overcome that problem.]-JP
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
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