Problem when reconciling pending transactions

pkeegan Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

I am reopening this issue because it still exists, and all previous discussions on this topic have been closed, with no clear resolution. The following problem description is copied from a closed discussion from March 2023, entered by user ‘jmich:

Quicken includes pending transactions that it downloads from my checking account in its calculation of the "Online Balance" but it doesn't add the pending transactions to its own ledger. Consequently, Quicken sees a difference between the Online Balance and its own Ending Balance, and pops up a "Reconcile" window which insists that I accept adding a correction to the ledger or that I select "Finish Later". But there is no discrepancy. Quicken should reconcile only the transactions that have cleared and ignore any "pending" (which might change anyway before they clear).


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Quicken includes pending transactions that it downloads from my checking account in its calculation of the "Online Balance"

    Quicken doesn't calculate the Online Balance. It is in the data downloaded from the financial institution. As such there isn't a one fix for all kind of solution other than not reconciling to the online balance.

    For instance, here is one thread talking about the problem with BOA:

    This is my website:
  • sjrily
    sjrily Member ✭✭

    I'm experiencing the same thing, or at least similar. Quicken includes pending transactions when calculating the online balance, but it does not include them in the transactions imported into the register. The only way to resolve the discrepancy is to go to the bank's website, (determine if it IS the result of pending transactions), manually pending transactions into the Quicken register, then reconcile the Quicken account by marking pending transactions as cleared.

    HOWEVER, this will often cause an issue next time data is downloaded because Quicken will import the now-cleared transactions into the register, thus causing another discrepancy….

This discussion has been closed.