When will the issue of split transactions get fixed?

At least twice in the past 3 months, I have lost the split transactions, such as paycheck deductions and transfers, forcing me to re-enter all of that information to get my accounts to reconcile. This keeps happening randomly, and I am not happy about it to say the least.
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Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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ok, how do I move it to QMac? That is what I am using.
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Thanks for confirming. I have reported it to the Moderators and asked them to do this (only they can do this).
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Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Are the split transactions that are disappearing all in the same account or different accounts?
Where is your Quicken file stored - is it on iCloud (or another cloud service)? Is it in a directory that's synced to a cloud service?
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Are the existing (past) transactions losing the splits, or is the split no showing up when you enter or download a new transaction?
Do you use the Quicken mobile app or web interface? If not, do you have Sync turned on (in Settings > Mobile, Web & Alerts). If yes, do you do Accounts > Sync to Mobile at the end of your Quicken sessions?
For what it's worth, I'm not aware of ever losing split details in any transaction or saved QuickFill rule, so I think it's a matter of drilling down to find out exactly what your setup is and what you're seeing after taking actions to pin this down and get you to a workable solution.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
The split transactions disappeared most recently in a checking account that is new from around June, but it has happened once before in this account as well as in an older, now closed checking account. Both with Capital One with automatic downloads. The transactions in question were scheduled paychecks that get downloaded when I synch with Capital One and other banks when I open Quicken. (I do not do bill pay through Quicken). Once the transactions come in, Quicken does a pretty good job matching the incoming transactions with the ones I have scheduled, but often I have to unmatch them and force matching with the amounts are not quite the same. When I do this for paychecks, I make sure all the line items are correct to the penny for the deductions and the transfers to other accounts, like savings accounts are usually fine.
The Quicken data file is in a local folder that is synchronized with iCloud.The existing payroll transactions (all but 2 or 3) going back to June were affected by this, so that all the splits were thrown out. I log in and synch, then see the balance discrepancies in the affected savings accounts, then notice that the splits are gone.
I do use the mobile app occasionally, but I mostly use the native Mac application. I never use the web interface. I do not usually sync to Mobile at the end of my sessions. I thought the synching to mobile is done automatically on the Mobile side when I open the app on my iPhone. When I go to Quicken Settings > Mobile, Web & Alerts > Mobile & Web I see that Sync is turned on.
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I have a few thoughts, but not a definitive answer to explain what you're experiencing…
The Quicken data file is in a local folder that is synchronized with iCloud.
That's a no-no. your data file should be in a folder which is not saved on iCloud (or any could storage service). It has to do with the way these services sync pieces of data between the local computer and the cloud. The suggestion is to store your Quicken data file in a folder outside your Desktop or Documents folders. For instance, in you User home folder (e.g. Macintosh HD > Users > [your home folder]) — at the same level as Documents, Downloads, Movies, Pictures, etc. This location is not stored on iCloud.
If you wish, you can locate your Quicken Backups folder in a location stored on iCloud.
I do not usually sync to Mobile at the end of my sessions. I thought the synching to mobile is done automatically on the Mobile side when I open the app on my iPhone.
I don't know exactly how all the syncing works, but your desktop data file needs to push the latest transactions up to the cloud for them to be available when you use the mobile app. My understanding is that doing Sync to Mobile is a way to force this to happen to insure your latest data is uploaded. Try it to see if it eliminates the problem. (For safety, do Save a Backup before Sync to Mobile, just in case the latter makes things worse!)
The transactions in question were scheduled paychecks that get downloaded when I synch with Capital One and other banks when I open Quicken.
Here's where things get complex (and over my head). You have a Quicken Connect connection saved in your desktop file. That information, including your login credentials, are mirrored in Quicken Cloud. The Cloud server can log in at low volume times, typically in the middle of the night, and download any transactions from the financial institution. Then when you come along an launch your desktop application, it pulls those transactions from the Quicken server instead of needing to connect and pull them from the CapitalOne server. Then on your local Quicken, the downloaded transaction gets matched to a scheduled transaction with all the splits. If that doesn't get pushed back up to the Cloud for some reason, the next time you connect to Quicken Cloud, it might overwrite your local transaction (with the splits) with the original transaction from CapitalOne. If everything works completely correctly, that shouldn't happen, but it seems it sometimes does. (Again, my understanding here is just enough to be dangerous, so I may not be describing it exactly correctly. Perhaps someone else can jump in with a better explanation.)
So the question is, what can you do to eliminate these sync problems? One might be manually issuing the Sync to Mobile command to force a sync. The more foolproof way would be to give up using the mobile app, turn off Sync, reset your Cloud file, and take Quicken Cloud out of the equation. I understand why that might not be a desirable choice. I guess the question for you to answer is which is more problematic: having splits sometime disappear without your knowledge, or giving up use of the mobile app?
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Ok. This was very helpful. I have moved my main data file out of the iCloid sync and turned off mobile sync with Quicken cloud. I will try just syncing manually with quicken when I want to use the mobile app. I hope that works. Honestly, I may find that I can do without the mobile app.
Thanks for the help.
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Never mind I found the backups stuff
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Hmmm. It seems that changing the backup location removed the existing backups. I have been searching for the files that I saw on the disk a few minutes ago and they are gone. :(
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If you had never previously moved the backups, they're in a somewhat hidden folder.
In the Finder, hold down the Option key and pull down the Go menu to select Library. Then navigate to Application Support > Quicken. Your backup folder will be there with all your previous backups.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930