Elan Financial Services Fidelity Rewards CC 2FA when updating

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Since resolution of the CC-502/CC-505 error with Elan downloads a couple of weeks ago, I have had every download from Elan require a "one time passcode" during the download.

Is there a way to authorize Quicken as an authorized third party app to have access? When I log onto the Elan site, Fidelity appears to be the only institution available to add as a third party.

Thankyou very kindly.


  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @starpal,

    Multi-factor authentication prompts are controlled by the financial institution rather than by Quicken. I would recommend checking your account settings on the financial institution's website. If it gives you a "remember me" type of option, I would recommend selecting it to see if that helps. Also check to make sure your browser security settings are too high. If your browser's security settings are too high, it may block cookies that would allow the financial institution to recognize you.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

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