Balance different in two different places.

I recently upgraded my Mac mini. I downloaded quicken to my new Mac and restored via a backup. Since then the balances in my left hand pain have not updated since the restore. The balance in the ledger area are correct. I also see a green line in the ledger area on the date restored. How do I get the balances to update and match? Thank you in advance.
Hello @BigMac38,
Let’s try a few troubleshooting steps for this issue—these steps should resolve things for you, but if not, please come back and post more about your experience so we can investigate.
First, backup your Quicken file.
- Navigate to the Quicken dropdown menu
- Sign Out...
- Sign back in using your Quicken ID (email) and password
- Follow the prompts to be taken back to your data file after signing in
Once that is done, see if the issue still persists.
-Quicken Jasmine
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I don't know Mac but isn't the green line showing for the Current date? And transactions after that date are for the future? You might need to check the date on your Mac. And in Windows you can choose what balance to show in the side Account Bar by right clicking on a blank space in the side bar.
I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.
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In Quicken Mac the green line in the register separates future transactions from transactions happening today or earlier.
As for the sidebar, you can click on the circle with three dots at the top to bring up the sidebar options which will let you select which balance is displayed there: today's balance, the projected balance (which includes actual transactions in the future but not reminders), or the online balance (the balance reported by the bank if the account is connected to online access).
Chances are one or both of these settings got reset when you installed Quicken on your new Mac, so try changing them to see if you can get back to what you are accustomed to seeing.
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Quicken Jasmine, That worked! Thank you something so easy.