Keyboard and time based macros that work very well with Quicken Mac.

crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

There is a Keyboard Macro app that enables you to set up time or key-combo based tasks.

I have used it to:

  1. set Quicken to Auto Update at set times of the day (7am, 12pm and 7pm)
  2. Set up key combos to update transaction data (eg: ^E to change Action to EFT)

This makes using Quicken much easier.

Unfortunately, it's not free, but I have found it well worth the cost.

I don't think I can post the name here, but try googling 'keyboard macro software for mac'.


  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I got into trouble with the moderators trying to be helpful before, so I took the cautious route.

    Yes, I am referring to Keyboard Maestro. Great product, but requires tech ability to use.

    How can we tag macros if we post them here? I'd be happy to share.

  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    You can export a macro, or copy/paste macros as XML. What is the the preferred format for posting?

    This is an exported one. Rename to remove the .jpg extension.

  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    BTW, the size of the exported macro is very small (4.6k) in the above case. I see no harm posing them like that.

  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Here is one to change the action field. This one has delays built in to allow Quicken to respond. Depending on how fast/slow your computer is, the delays may have to be tweaked. It uses Ctrl-Shift-T to change the Action field to 'Transfer', then move to the next transaction. This allows repeated processing if you have multiple transactions in a row that you want to modify. I also set up (copy and modify macro) Ctrl-Shift-E = EFT, B = Blank, D = Deposit, V = EFT-Venmo, Z = EFT-Zelle, R=Refund.

    The image shows the steps. The downloaded file has the macro. Remove '.jpg'.

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Another great macro + gesture trigger tool is BetterTouchTool. $10/2 yrs or $22/lifetime.

    "BetterTouchTool is a great, feature packed app that allows you to customize various input devices on your Mac."

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  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Mmm, I wonder if the upload modifies something. You did rename to remove the .jpg to get a .kmmacros file right ?

  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    One area where these apps fail, is executing when the Mac is sleeping (screen locked). I reverted back to my AppleScript app for the auto update as that works even if you away from the Mac (screen locked), but still logged in.

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