In an investment account how do I order the display by Clr descending, Date ascending?

I have two investment accounts. One shows the transactions with Clr descending (Reconciled first, then cleared and then uncleared), within each Clr type by date ascending.
The second one does not do that. Sorting by date ascending and then by Clr descending reverses the dates to descending. Sorting by Clr descending and then by date ascending causes all transaction to be in date order independent of their Clr status.
Since I have one investment account (the first one) displaying the way I want it how do I get the second one to do it?
Clicking on a column header will sort by that column.
A little triangle will be shown in the column header indicating which way the column is sorted.
Clicking a second time (not a double click) will reverse the order. In your case, click on the Clr column header.You can not yourself set a secondary sub-sort. Your only choice in this case is CLR and you get what ever the Quicken Devs have programmed.
-splasher using Q continuously since 1996
- Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
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I'll affirm Jim's comment that there is no user control on the second level sorting.
Oddly (?), I see in Investment accounts the Clr sort toggles as
- For R-c-blank top to bottom, the secondary is date descending (newest on top)
- For blank-c-R top to bottom, the secondary is date ascending (oldest on top)
For banking accounts, it is the opposite:
- For R-c-blank top to bottom, the secondary is date ascending (oldest on top)
- For blank-c-R top to bottom, the secondary is date descending (newest on top)
To me, the banking approach seems more natural or intuitive. Specifically, I frequently sort banking accounts on Clr Status with Reconciled at the top and I want my uncleared transactions at the bottom sorted by Date ascending (oldest on top).
My only explanation for your citation "One shows the transactions with Clr descending (Reconciled first, then cleared and then uncleared), within each Clr type by date ascending." is that the account is actually a banking account for which you have reset the Intent to be Investment (Account Details / Display Options).
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I found the reason — the account that is displayed in the order I want is account type Brokerage even though it is a Roth IRA.
I cannot change the type of the account that is display wrong to Brokerage as it is a retirement account.
To get the order I want I will have to create a new Brokerage account and copy all of the transactions from the Roth IRA into it.
I don't understand why Quicken would choose such a silly display order.
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Not convinced that is the issue. In my file, brokerage accounts and IRA (retirement) accounts sort the same (odd) way.
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It seems to me that the one account that isn't behaving like the others is messed up in some way and moving all the transactions to a new account would most likely fix that problem.
As for why Quicken would choose to do things differently for the clear sort, I will just point out that the two "registers" have completely different development. To this day they don't even call it and investment register, they call it an investment transaction list. There are many inconsistencies between the two.
And I think the reason this hasn't come up before is because it hasn't mattered to most people. I can't remember the last time I sorted by the clear column in an investment account, and I will bet that is true for most people. When I did use it, it would have been just to group the cleared/uncleared together to see if I missed something. It certainly would be a mode that I would stay in for any length of time, and I probably wouldn't have been concerned about the "date order".
Whereas in a banking account I can see doing this, doesn't really make as much sense in an investment account.
Let me point out a fundamental difference in the "default" sorting of the two types. In an investment account it is sort by "entry order" (unless you pick the crazy new sort by security that they put in). That isn't the case in a non-investment account. There is an option for it, but it isn't the default. And the sorting option in non-investment accounts have much more options. Again, part of this is due to the development history, but I think a lot of it also has to do with the nature of an investment account. Now if one is trying to use an investment account as if it is checking account, you will run into such problems.
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