Fidelity Rewards Visa ... Again!

After the multiple problems with Fidelity Rewards Visa over the last few months being allegedly resolved, I am still having problems. When I do a "One Step Update" (which includes this account) I always get told that the update is complete (i.e., no problems). Frequently I notice that there are no transactions in the Fidelity Rewards Visa account for a considerable amount of time. When this occurs, I need to "Edit/Delete account | Online Services | Reset Account". Upon doing this a plethora of transactions are posted over a number of dates. For a time after this annoying annoying task, "One Step Update" works on the account and transactions are posted … until they don't. Then when I notice a considerable amount of time has past without transactions, I need to repeat the process.
Is this ever going to get fixed? I don't really care if this is a Quicken or Elan Financial problem. I just want it fixed!
Hello @reeseg,
To troubleshoot this issue, could you please provide more information? About how frequently does this issue occur? When did you first notice the issue? When it stops downloading transactions, do you get any error messages or error codes? Is this happening only with Fidelity Rewards Visa, or are you seeing it happen with other accounts and/or financial institutions also?
I look forward to your reply!
Quicken Kristina
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