Kohls credit card won't update

Thsharp Quicken Windows Subscription Member

Is there any activity on this issue where Quicken will not connect to download Kohls card transactions? Going on 6 motnhs with no resolution now.


  • Texbox
    Texbox Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I too would like to know a current status. It's been a while and if it can't be resolved, just say so. Honesty goes a long way.

    Plus, I just got a notice that they're going up on the subscription price from $4.99 to $5.99 a month. When my renewal comes due in June, not sure I'm going to renew. Between periodic updating issues and their response, not sure of the value anymore.

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod


    The current known issue with Kohl's is still ongoing and being worked on. We do not have an ETA on when a resolution will become available. Please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates.

    We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
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  • jtashiro
    jtashiro Member ✭✭

    Add me to the list of Quicken Classic Windows users unable to auto download from Kohls Credit Card site. This is incredibly frustrating.

  • QUserSince1993
    QUserSince1993 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I would recommend sending a note to Kohl's letting them know your displeasure and state you are turning off paperless billing until it is fixed.

  • Smattus
    Smattus Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Another Kohls victim

  • PCarpenterKohls
    PCarpenterKohls Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    edited February 1

    This is getting Old, going on for months now! [Removed - Language]

  • PCarpenterKohls
    PCarpenterKohls Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    What is being done about this? This is unacceptable for my banking information

  • QknUser8472
    QknUser8472 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This is NOT a Quicken Issue/Problem. It is solely a Kohl's problem which has been stated numerous times in previous posts and on Kohl's website. Quicken can't do anything about it unless Kohl's decides to allow Quicken again.

  • QknUser8472
    QknUser8472 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This is NOT a Quicken Issue/Problem. It is solely a Kohl's problem which has been stated numerous times in previous posts and on Kohl's website. Quicken can't do anything about it unless Kohl's decides to allow Quicken again.

  • QknUser8472
    QknUser8472 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This is NOT a Quicken Issue/Problem. It is solely a Kohl's problem which has been stated numerous times in previous posts and on Kohl's website. Quicken can't do anything about it unless Kohl's decides to allow Quicken again.

This discussion has been closed.