basic flaw in Capital One account activation when multiple logins (Build

Jack Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

There seems to be a basic flaw in the One Step Update Activation process for Capital One where multiple accounts are linked via different user logins (actual Capital One accounts). It's a no win situation. We have 2 logins to Capital One and we have six accounts with Capital One; two of them are joint accounts that are shared on the Capital One website so that either of our logins can access them. Recently (within the last few months) I am unable to keep all of the accounts active in Quicken because of assumptions made by the activation process. Currently my wife's credit card (NOT a joint account) is inactive and all other accounts are active. All other accounts include my credit card (NOT joint), my checking account (NOT joint) and three savings accounts two of which are joint). When I try to activate my wife's credit card, one of three things happens depending on which login was last used by Quicken to FIX/Reset our accounts in the same session: 1) if this is the first attempt to re-activate a Capital One account in the current session, the Capital One website login screen appears and I can login to my wife's account and activate her credit card and the two joint savings accounts ... with the next One Step Update, my wife's credit card and the two joint accounts are updated, but an error is flagged for my credit card and the the other non-joint accounts; 2) if my wife's login was last used in the session, the dialog does not ask for a login to Capital One website and apparently uses my wife's login with the same result as #1; 3) if my login was last used, the dialog does not ask to login to the Capital One website but instead apparently uses my login and returns an error that the account (my wife's credit card) cannot be found and should be deleted from Quicken. Assuming that #1 or #2 above activated my wife's credit card, I am now left with three accounts that are not activated and since my wife's account was last used in the current session, I cannot successfully activate my three accounts unless I end my Quicken session and start another. Now I can specify to Reset my credit card account and the Capital One website login is displayed. I can specify my login and password and five accounts are displayed for activation (my wife's credit card is NOT one of them). If I proceed to activate the accounts to which my Capital One website login has access, the accounts are activated and I can update them via OSU, but OSU flags an error on my wife's credit card. Back to square one: I cannot activate my wife's credit card without de-activating my three non-joint accounts and I cannot activate my five accounts (two joint and three non-joint) without de-activating my wife's credit card. Capital One's process forces you to try to update all Capital One accounts in a single process but seems to get mixed up when there is more than one login involved. It recognizes that there are multiple logins when activating / resetting the accounts but apparently does not try to find the appropriate login for the account when performing the account update in OSU.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Jack,

    From what you describe, it sounds like the issue is the Capital One website is remembering the person who last logged in, rather than giving you the option to login with the appropriate login ID. This may be a setting on the Capital One website that you can temporarily disable. Alternatively, you can temporarily set a different default browser so that when you go through the authorization process in Quicken, Capital One should see it as accessing from a different location, which should prompt it to ask for you to login.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Jack
    Jack Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Thank you Kristina. Your suggestions seem plausible. I have spent many hours over many days after each successive update of Quicken and always run into the same problem. Even if I get CapitalOne to recognize all of my accounts, by switching between logins to do the Setups, I am thwarted the first time I perform OSU which again marks one or more of my accounts as "Not found" and suggests that they be removed from OSU. I have another theory: Since the ability to remove Quicken access from an account at CapitalOne is limited to the login level (and I think it needs to be at the account level) and ALL accounts that are linked to the login are by default made available to Quicken, if I could make Quicken think that the only account linked to my wife's login was her credit card, I believe all would be well. The only way I can even attempt that is during the CapitalOne authorization process, when the "found" accounts are listed, is to not select the joint accounts for my wife's login, hoping that this will just authorize the credit card for that login … but the CapitalOne logic then disables the joint accounts from any access to Quicken for BOTH of our logins and I get an error that these joint accounts cannot be found and should be removed from OSU when processing the accounts for MY login. I have never understood the statement in the CapitalOne authentication process that each of the accounts needs to be FIXED / Reset / reactivated after the authorization even though the process appears to be doing ALL accounts every time. I have tried this but still cannot eliminate all of the errors and get a clean setup and OSU run. I read one other post where the guy just gave up and decided not to use OSU for one of his accounts. That is not a solution, it's a work-around. And, besides, my wife's credit card (which would be the obvious choice for exclusion) has more activity than the five other accounts combined and I'm not about to ask her to curb her enthusiasm for the sake of my money management software. I was hoping to get more responses to this post with other Quicken users who have the same or similar issue with CapitalOne multiple logins with joint accounts. Its still early and it is a holiday weekend but if I am the only one (still) having this problem, maybe I am missing the boat on the solution / prevention of it. If that is the case, I hope someone will enlighten me about where I am going wrong.

  • Jack
    Jack Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    After reading a few more posts concerning CapitalOne account Setup I noticed several references to Capital One - New as a work-around for similar problems. So I followed those leads and using Add Account (instead of Reset or FIX) I was able to specify Capital Bank - New as my Institution and add and then Link to Existing Account all of my accounts that were listed as errors by the Capital One Card Services institution(s). I now have 3 instances of Capital One in my OSU … Capital One Card Services for my credit card, a separate Capital One Card Services for my wife's credit card and Capital One - New for all of my non-credit card accounts. And, so far, everything seems to be working (Setup is clean, One Step Update is clean and the last update for all of my accounts (as seen in the Account List) are all January 15, 2024.

    Hopefully, this is the end of my Capital One vendetta for a while and I hope that this helps others who are having similar problems. Again, I thank Kristina for giving me hope and leading me to try some different approaches. Good Luck, everyone! And Happy New Year!

  • Jack
    Jack Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    After reading a few more posts concerning CapitalOne account Setup I noticed several references to Capital One - New as a work-around for similar problems. So I followed those leads and using Add Account (instead of Reset or FIX) I was able to specify Capital Bank - New as my Institution and add and then Link to Existing Account all of my accounts that were listed as errors by the Capital One Card Services institution(s). I now have 3 instances of Capital One in my OSU … Capital One Card Services for my credit card, a separate Capital One Card Services for my wife's credit card and Capital One - New for all of my non-credit card accounts. And, so far, everything seems to be working (Setup is clean, One Step Update is clean and the last update for all of my accounts (as seen in the Account List) are all January 15, 2024. Hopefully, this is the end of my Capital One vendetta for a while and I hope that this helps others who are having similar problems. Again, I thank Kristina for giving me hope and leading me to try some different approaches. Good Luck, everyone! And Happy New Year!

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    I'm glad to hear you were able to get it to work. Thank you for sharing the solution that worked for you, as it may help others who encounter the same issue!

    If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

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