Why not poll users about year-end closing? [edited]

rrtorrenti Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
edited January 2024 in Product Enhancements

Why not ask users whether they want or need a year-end closing of annual files rather than assume the reason they are asking. Isn’t technology supposed to support its users? Too many time users are made to conform to what the techies think they should have.

1 votes

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  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    They essentially already have a poll of user interest in year-end closing.

    There is this active Idea thread…

    … where you can add your vote and a comment about why it would be useful to you. It currently has 108 votes, and is marked as "Under Consideration".

    There was a prior Idea thread which had many more votes and 5 pages of comments…

    …which was archived last year because the developers said they were not planning to implement such a feature.

    We don't know their reasons for not implementing such a feature. We do know from the former product manager why they didn't implement such a feature in the early development of Quicken Mac, but we don't know why they decided more recently not to do so. We don't know if they said no because they feel users can simply "conform to what the techies think they should have", or because of technical difficulties in implementing such functionality, or because implementing other features are higher priorities (and if so, why). They take into account votes for Ideas here, feedback from their customer support teams about problem areas, periodic polls of beta testers, and input via other channels; how they arrive at their exact decisions about what to pursue and when is never shared with users.

    I'm not sure what a poll would do to establish the amount of support and reasons for support for a feature beyond the existing Idea threads. For those who want this functionality, click the View Post link above to go to the active thread and add your vote.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993