Connection to TIAA Brokerage is unavailable right now (FDP-102)

Has anyone else had trouble downloading TIAA updates? I clicked the circle arrow at top of the gray sidebar to update All Transactions. Got the error FDP-102 and no updates for 2 CREF accounts I have with TIAA.

I am using Quicken Classic Premier - Version 7.5.2 on a Mac OS 14.2.1


  • Hello @Mlaug,

    To troubleshoot this issue, I recommend following these steps from this article on error FDP-102:

    First, wait and try again the following day

    It's possible that your bank is simply unavailable for a short time. Wait 24 hours and try again.

    Second, try logging in to your bank's website

    At your bank's website, try to log in. Then navigate to the transactions in one of the accounts you're trying to add.

    What if I could not sign into my bank's website?

    If you couldn't sign in from the website, the next thing to do is to try bank names similar to yours. This would be necessary if two accounts you usually access from the same website are available under different names on our list.

    For example, from the USAA website, you might see your USAA checking and mortgage accounts listed together. But from within Quicken, you may need to:

    • Select USAA Bank to add your checking account.
    • Select USAA Mortgage to add your mortgage account.

    Here's how to find bank names similar to the one you last chose:

    1. Close the browser window that contains your bank's website.
    2. Back in Quicken, click No, maybe I chose the wrong bank name.
    3. If you see another variation on your bank's name, click it, and try signing in.

    If the steps above don't resolve the issue

    The cause could be that the bank account login password uses special characters that interfere with Quicken's ability to download transactions. These special characters are ampersand (&), left carat (<), right carat (>), backslash (\), and forward slash (/). Having these characters in the password can also prevent you from activating an account for Quicken Connect. You will need to change your password with your bank to use characters other than these five special characters.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    Quicken Kristina

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