Extremely slow synchronization since the start of the week

lemayp Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

Since this week I am observing an extremely slow synchronization with Quicken Basic.

When I do a synchronization to get the latest transactions from the banks as well as the latest stock/mutual funds it would normally take 1-2 minutes. Now it takes more than 10-15 minutes.

I thought only synching to get the latest transactions was impacted but I have just closed Quicken and I sync my data with the cloud and this one was very slow too, much slower than usual.

Is this situation impacting others or should I look for something local to my computer/accounts?


Version R53.32


Edition: Canada

Windows 11


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @lemayp,

    To troubleshoot this issue, I recommend you start by making a backup of your Quicken file and following the steps in this article on Quicken Performance Troubleshooting. Since you mentioned the slow performance is happening specifically when updating accounts, I recommend trying these steps first:

    There may be hidden accounts in the data file that are still trying to update. 

    To view and Deactivate hidden accounts:

    1. Go to Tools Account List (or Ctrl + A).
    2. Select the Show Hidden Accounts checkbox at the bottom of the Account List.
    3. Review the Account List and click Edit next to one of the hidden accounts you no longer need to track in Quicken.
    4. Go to the Online Services tab and click Deactivate.

    What if Quicken tells me to accept downloaded transactions before deactivating online services?
    Quicken will not deactivate online services if you have not accepted all downloaded transactions. Verify that you have accepted all transactions.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • lemayp
    lemayp Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hi Kristina,

    thanks for the suggestions. I did both. The backup revealed some minor error in some of the stock prices I entered manually and I corrected them. The suggestions about Hidden Accounts was interesting since I have add several accounts in the hidden account list in the last 2 weeks. Deactivating the "Online Services" didn`t really lead to a resolution of my problem, but I did the necessary cleanup there.

    During the One Step update, I have disabled the "Sync to Quicken Cloud", which helped the overall performance, but I am still very far from what I used to observed.

    The phase to get the transactions from my banks will take about 6 minutes, the last part to get the "quotes and investmetn information" another 4 minutes (more or less).

    It was way faster 2 week ago.

    Let me know if you have any other suggestions. It look like the problem is in my quicken files, not a general issue based on your response. My next step might be to contact support since it doesn`t appear to apply to others.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod
    edited February 2024

    Thank you for your reply,

    Was there anything that happened around the same time as the issues with slowness during One Step Update (unexpected program or computer shut down, program or system update, etc)?

    Sometimes, file location can have an impact also. Do you keep your Quicken file on your C drive or is it on a shared network drive?  Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service, such as One Drive or Dropbox (if it is, you will usually see the service name listed in the file location)? 

    The simplest way to check your file location, if you have Quicken up and the file open, is to click on File, then look near the bottom of the list, just above where it says Exit.  It will list the file locations for the 4 Quicken files you have most recently accessed, with the one you are currently in at the #1 spot.

    If the file is not directly on your C drive and unsynced from any cloud service, try moving it to your C drive and see if that helps to improve performance.

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • lemayp
    lemayp Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hi Kristina,

    I tried the suggestion to move the quicken file to a different place, so I moved it to a different SSD drive and the problem remains.

    It is not like if the access to disk is slow, or the Quicken program taking a lot of CPU, or swapping memories, etc. It is like slow access/response from the Quicken servers to all the updates the One Step Updates. From the Task manager we can see very few CPU usage, and a little access to the network

    I have a very fast internet at home, so it is not related to this as everything else accessing the internet is behaving as before.

    Let me know if you have any other suggestions.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    The next step is to check for file specific issues that may be causing the slowness. I suggest that you try validating and/or super validating your data file.  Please save a backup file prior to performing these steps.


    1. File
    2. Validate and Repair File...
    3. Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    If the issue persists, proceed to Super Validate. If the issue is resolved after performing validation, then please disregard the instructions to Super Validate.

    Super Validate:

    1. File
    2. Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
    3. Super Validate File
    4. Click OK
    5. Close the Data Log
    6. Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
    7. Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.   

    Let me know how it goes!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Arctic Hare
    Arctic Hare Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭

    If I could place a bet here, I would bet that validation doesn't resolve the problem. Typically, in the very rare cases that validation is useful, there is some form of error or application crash involved. Slow synchronization with no error or crashes, is not indicative of a situation where validation will be useful.

    I suggest contacting Quicken phone support and asking them to get someone to review your log files, which should indicate where the process is bogging down. Without that insight, this is a pure guessing game.

  • malgaze
    malgaze Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm having the same issue with One-Step-Update being much slower than previously. I have followed all of the recommended steps as listed in this thread.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @malgaze,

    If the troubleshooting listed in this thread did not correct the issue, I recommend following @Arctic Hare 's recommendation and contacting Quicken Support directly for further assistance. The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.

    I apologize that I could not be of more assistance!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • lemayp
    lemayp Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I reached to support (finally) today.

    I have reported an official issue with then so they could analyze some of my data.

    Meanwhile, they lead me toward the following situation that they are aware of since last july:

    @artic Hare: I totally agree with your feedback. I was lacking time to reach to support so I couldn't do so before today.

    @malgaze Are you using Windows 11 too? If so, go to the link and click on the ribbon to be notified. If you are not using windows 11, I would encourage you to reach support too so they could look at it from a different angle.

  • Arctic Hare
    Arctic Hare Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭

    One Step Update is now painfully slow. I'm not sure that has anything to do with running it on Windows 11. I believe it has to do with the fact that OSU synchronizes to the cloud even if you don't use mobile/web… something that Quicken doesn't advertise (they allow users to assume that if they switch off mobile/web their data isn't stored in the cloud, but it is). That would be interesting if it is a Win 11 issue… I suspect that is an excuse.

    Quicken overall is not slow on my Win 11 machine, but OSU is painfully slow - it takes several minutes to do what used to take seconds.

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