Quicken for Prudential for Mac


I have struggled with this for years. Then I read to go to transactions and there you will see a hyperlink for "Quicken". clicked on it and tells me MAC is not support….[Removed - Language]

Intuit Quicken Software

Participants with retirement programs serviced by Empower can manage their accounts by using Quicken®. Using this software allows participants to manage their accounts like never before in a secure electronic environment.

This service is only available for participants using Quicken for Windows. Quicken for Mac is not supported.


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @Budfox1029,

    Please be aware that Quicken Classic for Windows and for Mac uses different servers, and whether a financial institution supports downloads to either platform is decided by the financial institution. For a financial institution to support downloads and to be added to our bank list on either or both platforms, the request to be added would need to be made and submitted directly from the financial institution to our service providers.

    We apologize for any inconvenience! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
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