No transactions download


I have an issue with American Express card. When i update the account it updates the balance but does not download any transactions. When i update i get this …….

Then when i try to reconcile i get this….

I have deactivated and reactivated the account. I have even logged out and logged back into Quicken. I even tried to open a whole new Quicken file and tried to download transactions. That did not help.

This is also happening with one of my three accounts with Chase Bank. Just one, not all 3.


  • mjonis
    mjonis Member ✭✭✭✭

    Yes, I had the same thing. Never got it resolved. I just gave up.

    What I DID find was that Quicken/Intuit servers were not picking up the account that wasn't downloading. So I deactivated all my Chase accounts. Deleted the Bank and Account #'s from the Details screen of each account. Click the "+" sign to ADD accounts, selected Chase. It had me login to Chase website, where it showed FOUR accounts with checkboxes. Each one was checked. I authorize, and it takes me back to quicken where it proceeds to show only 3 accounts.

  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Moderator mod

    Hello @erictoninewport and @mjonis,

    Which financial institution instance are you using?


    -Quicken Jasmine

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